Friday, April 12, 2013

What are weekends?

Yesterday was a great day! I loved seeing my family and I bought some things from the organic store. I wish I could eat all organic like my sister does but I'll never have that kind of money. I'd make sure Jadyn got it before me though. She does have organic rice cereal at my moms but here its Gerber. She doesn't seem to care much for either. Its a good thing she doesn't need food yet! My baby's going to be 6 months old in just a week! I'm happy and sad at the same time. She's so happy and healthy but she's growing up so fast!
I didn't work out yesterday because Scot wanted to watch a movie so I still weigh 168.8. I'm hoping its not a plateau but I'll work out tonight and see what the scale says tomorrow. I'm definitely going to maggianos when I reach 165. Scot even told me to make the reservations now. I'm not going to though because I really don't know when I'll drop the 3.8 lbs and I don't want to cheat!
I'm really bumming out right now. I need those 60 degree days back with no rain! The lack of vitamin D is playing a toll on my mood. On these dark gloomy days I just don't want to do anything. Probably also contributing to my plateau!
I need to eat breakfast before Jadyn gets bored in her jumper. I just wanted to say I'm still 168.8. Out of the 170s and never looking back!


  1. Dont worry.. all this rain only means we'll see flowers coming soon! :) I hope you dont plateau like I did. It's so discouraging and you're results have been so incredible and inspiring! Keep pushing! :)

  2. Thanks! I will! Im going through my glamour magazinesaand cutting out inspiration! Will show results tomorrow!
