Saturday, April 6, 2013

Sleeping in on weekends

Today I'm 173. So buffets are bad! Even on cheat days.
More bad news is that our home is only worth 45,000 dollars and we still owe 70,000. So the appraisal was a bust and all the hard work we did was basically for nothing! I'm praying that the economy gets better because either my daughter will grow up in an unsafe neighborhood or we may struggle financially for several years.
Or I would have to move with my parents when Jadyn is old enough for school but then she would be away from her father. Hopefully by that point we will be married and our relationship and family will be stronger than ever. As many problems that seem to arise I want Jadyn to have a wonderful life.
So all I can do is pray that the Lord helps us through this.
The warmer weather helps to fight any depression that wants to sink in. Two days ago me and Scot took Jadyn on a walk. She loved it! I wish I lived in an area where I felt safe enough to take her out every nice day by myself, but I do not. I would have to pack up the stroller and drive to a nicer area.
I do count my blessings for everything that we do have, though. My dad gave me his late sisters, who I was named after, bowling ball. It has "Kathy" engraved in it. Then he got online and had me pick out a bag and shoes. I picked out black and pink colors. And I'm happy to learn that bowling shoes that you buy actually look more like running shoes. So I'll be very stylish.
I can't wait to go bowling now and see how many calories I can burn that way! I noticed that it was an option to select in the loseit exercises! I'm not sure when Scot and I will find a babysitter though. His moms coming to watch her this Tuesday so we can go to our first cubs game. He bought me the 4 pack tix for my birthday. They're 2-2 right now so not completely hopeless but will need to step it up! They need more confidence. And to stop trading good pitchers!!! Some of the decisions made for the team are so ridiculous that it seems like even the owner wants them to fail. But I'm still hopeful and excited for the season!
I'm still laying in bed and really need to get up. We are getting our family portrait taking tomorrow and I need to find dresses for me and Jadyn at kohls. Maybe the dress will be my 170 reward since I need it now and have total confidence that I will reach that goal in a matter of days. Then Maggianos will have to be my 165. Its a good thing gift cards don't expire.
After two months of dieting and exercise I am still fully motivated! My muscles are so sore from our work out two nights ago. I can feel the transformation and everyone can see it! I don't want to stop here!
Better get up now. The house is so quiet. Where are Jadyn and daddy?

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