Monday, April 15, 2013

Am I going to reach my next goal?

The May 4th party is now in less than 2 weeks. I was really wanting to get down to at least 160 by then. Now I'm stuck at 170.4! I kind of wish that I didn't take that cheat meal now because I'd rather be stuck at 168.8 than 170.4. I worked out a lot yesterday too and only ate the healthy options during meals and snacks yesterday. I'm going to have to try something new to throw my body a curve ball because it does not want to shed anymore weight! I've still got 40 pounds to go so this is unacceptable. Tomorrow I am going to my moms so that might actually help, it usually does. It means I don't have to save the majority of my calories for dinner with Scot. After working out so much yesterday and not seeing even a tiny bit of scale change, I'm not sure I'll be able to motivate myself to work out today! I'm sure I'll be playing DDR for hours tomorrow and Wednesday though. Then Thursday is another cubs game and I won't be indulging on all of the tempting foods out there since I'll be with my sister. There will also be much more walking involved since neither of us drive in Chicago. The train to the subway is like 6 blocks. And then we have to walk the ramps to the top of the stadium so maybe the end result of this week will be way better than where I am now!
I have progress pics tomorrow but as of now I am exactly where I was last week so I may skip this week. If I'm even 1 lb less tomorrow I will take them.
At this point I feel like Maggianos will never happen! I need to drop 5 lbs before I can set up my reservation. I may actually wait until I'm 163 though so if I gain 2 lbs from my cheat day I shouldn't go over 165.
Then again, if I'm reaching for 160 by May 4th, I might have to put it off a little longer. Only time can really tell where I'll be then.
I will probably do a short intense work out with Scot when he gets home but other than that I'll probably just take it easy today.
I wish the weight was still coming off as easily as the beginning. I know I was doing the 8 hour diet for a while. I could try that again but its really hard getting up at 7am with Jadyn and having to wait 4-5 hours before eating anything just so I can time it right to eat dinner with Scot. Maybe I can modify it to say, the 10 hour diet?


  1. Totally can relate! If my scale hasn't budged, I'll have been stuck at 168 for a month!!!!!!! It's incredibly discouraging. But you've been doing amazing and you never stop pushing. I know you can push past this one! :) Keep it up! Rest day might actually help..give your body a second to recover from all the hard workouts so that when you do it again it'll keep your body back into gear.

  2. kick* your body back into gear

    1. Thanks! I'm going to keep the faith that I'll see some progress by the end of the week and possibly reach my goal of 160 by may 4
