Friday, May 17, 2013

Technically it is weigh in day..

I might also weigh in tomorrow if I take my cheat day Sunday.
Today's weight is 162 even.
51.9% water, 27.5% fat.
With the fluctuations of the water.. I've really only lost about 5% fat I think.
My water weight was just very low in the beginning.
That's still pretty good though!
I have 2 lbs until my next reward. Basically all I'm going to be doing is trying on some old summer clothes from 3 years ago. The thing is that 3 years ago I weighed more than I do now so I'm just hoping the clothes will fit me better than they did then..
One jean skirt I had was a size 12, that might be a bit too big now because I remember that skirt had fit me perfectly at the time.
Its the other ones that I'm crossing my fingers for. They had elastic bands that kind of dug into me. I'm not really sure what to expect with them right now.
Its still 2 lbs away though which really could take about 2 weeks to reach.
I'm hoping I can wear one to Scots sisters rehearsal dinner though.
It'll be fun going through my closet and trying on things I haven't fit into in forever!
I still haven't used my 165 reward of maggianos. I'll have to set that up for hopefully two weekends away.
I know I'll need a cheat day to go there!
My 155 reward is to eat at this amazing Italian restaurant called Luigi's house.
That could still be months away though. First I would just like to focus on reaching 160 so I can try my skirts on!
I need to do some change up exercises I think. Now that I'm not sore anymore I can work harder.
I was in such a bad mood yesterday. Hopefully today will be better!
I still haven't made a 100% decision for Sunday though. Scot kind of made a big damn deal out of everything and said he'd rather skip the bar and go to his band practice. If that's what he's going to do then I'm not going and I won't be drinking. The following weekend is his sisters wedding anyway and I'm sure I'll be drinking that day. Its rare for me to drink two weekends in a row so we will see. I want to focus on a more positive attitude today :)

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