Thursday, May 23, 2013

Grrr sometimes...

Sometimes the harder you work the less results you see!
I was active all day yesterday and ate up to my calorie budget and burned almost half of it off.
So I wake up and get on the scale expecting big results and I'm now 162.2 lbs! Probably an effect of drinking Monday but the wedding is tomorrow.
I have a feeling I'm going to want to drink a little. Scot is going to get plastered and I don't feel like dealing with that.
I was hoping to be below 160 by tomorrow but even if I work out all day I'll probably just gain weight again. I wish I didn't drink Monday. I'm hoping the only positive effect of that is it will prevent me from drinking much tomorrow. I just have an all around bad feeling about alcohol and tomorrow. I hope I'm wrong and its a blast.
I guess the scale this morning was just a bad start to the day. I have to take Jadyn to the doctor in 3 hours because she has an infection in her toe so that's also going to suck. And then we are going to the rehearsal dinner. At least Jadyn will be there and I'll have valid reason to avoid drinking tonight and Scot too. We have to be up a little early for the wedding tomorrow. I basically won't even be spending time with Scot until 7pm. I'm kind of nervous about how he will be acting with and without me. Maybe the stress is making me put on weight again. I'll try to make time for a good stretch today.
my measurements are still 39-34-39. From last Friday, my weight has gone up .2 lbs, my water weight is still 51.9% but my fat is actually 27.4%. So I guess maybe a little of the gain is muscle. That makes me feel a little better. I'm going to weight myself tomorrow morning as well because Fridays are my actual weigh in days. I don't think I'm going to cheat today.

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