Tuesday, May 7, 2013

3 month progress pic

I can't say I've progressed since my last weeks pic or even the week before! But definitely have in the past 3 months. Scot took off work yesterday so I didn't stick as closely to my diet as I'm wanting to then. Today is a different story! I plan on doing 2-3 10 min vigorous fat burning exercises. My hearts been feeling funny again. Totally stressing out about things. I keep getting bills sent to me, now for things I wasn't even a part of! Maybe I should start yoga again. It helped me last time.
We are looking at houses again to move. This time very close to my friends and family! I'm so excited. I am really crossing my fingers and praying this happens! One house is right in front of a park. I'd be able to walk with Jadyn daily and take her to go play. It would make life slightly easier!

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