Thursday, May 2, 2013

2 days until party!

I wish my scale took muscle %. My fat and water % have been the same for 3 days but I've gained 2 lbs. If its not fat or water I can only assume that its muscle!
Yesterday morning I did a 1 hour long cardio blast workout. It was rough. I thought for sure it would get me back on track! Afterwards I shopped 2 hours with my mom and brother. We walked around the mall. I bought decorations for the party and glow in the dark beer pong cups/balls.
We did get ice cream but I had probably less than a scoop of sugar free turtle ice cream. We then ate Chinese for dinner. I have to tell you, I have never lost weight from eating Chinese!!
I know that I'm not going to be touching those leftovers!
We really need to go grocery shopping. I think fruits and vegetables would really help right now. We just don't have time with trying to get our house ready for the party. The bedroom floor will be done today, and then we can move the furniture back. So I'll just have a lot of cleaning to do tomorrow. People are still rsvping so I know it'll be a nice turn out.
The cubs game the day after will be a little brutal. I really wish I had looked at our tix before setting up the party day.
Oh well! I'll probably just need to down a bloody Mary or two.
I've decided that my weigh in days should be Fridays instead of every day. My cheat days will be Saturdays.
Cheat days are so important. I believe I skipped my last one. I was going to wait for the party, but it did more harm than good. Without taking my measurements or having a muscle % scale, I can't feel very good about this weeks results.

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