Wednesday, May 15, 2013


What did I learn?
So far when we fight, before the explosion happens, one of us is suppose to say "time out" and then we go and do separate things for a little under and more than an hour!.. and come back and resolve the issue. Not just sweep it under the rug!

Also when speaking with each other we are supposed to say "I feel.." instead of "you do this..." we are suppose to practice that in normal conversation.
However on the way home we got into a fight and I realized he did say "you do this..." and that's what offends me. So the therapist is right but he just totally ignored that part of therapy I guess.

Its only going to work if we both apply what we learn so we will see how he does with that!


I was too sore to work out yesterday. My lower body is killing me!
My water % is almost 52%! Its 51.9% which is nuts because I think when I first used the scale it was 46%? That's a wonderful health change!!

I do need to try to get a good work out in today but I'm so sore! It hurts to move. I don't know how people work through their soreness. I have yet to master that, I guess.

Tomorrow is measurements and Friday is weigh in. I think I'm going to use my cheat day for Sunday though. Probably will have a few beers.
Does that mean I should weigh in Saturday? I don't know.
I don't think I will be 155 lbs by his sisters wedding but that's OK. I'm still happy with my progress.

I'll have to post a pic of me in my dress so I can compare it to my last couple.

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