Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dark chocolate <3

Is what I'm eating right now. We still haven't gone grocery shopping so my breakfast today is Moser Roth's dark chocolate and organic Bunny grahams. Plus a bottle of water.
The work outs went well yesterday. I ended up doing a 10 min kick box with a 10 min destress stretch. I might try to add a bit more today but right now I feel the destress exercises are best for me right now.
Its so weird for me not to weigh in every day anymore! I only have 2 days though. I can hold out. Then my measure in is tomorrow again already!
I am feeling encouraged. I am looking forward to trying on my skirts when I reach 160. The way the weather keeps going, it looks like it'll be just in time!
I can't remember the skirt sizes. They were either 12s or larges maybe? I haven't worn them in 2 years because I was pregnant last year so I don't remember.
Either way I'll feel like I'm out of 14s. My friend Katie keeps insisting that I try on her size 10s but she forgets I've got the big hips and big butt build. She's got the naturally small frame. She's in 4s now though so at least I'll get free clothes when I get to size 10! Hahaha. Hopefully when jean season returns I'll be in 8s or under though.
Any progress is progress! I'm happy to have made it as far as I've been blessed to. It's so exciting. I am so excited!

According to the lose it app (which I highly recommend for anyone and everyone trying to lose weight) I am doing a biggest loser challenge. So far I've lost 15% of my body weight. That is really awesome!
If I have managed to accomplish this much in just a few months, I can't wait to see the progress I've made in one year!

Its unbelievable that at the start of the year I was 200 lbs and now I'm in the mid 160s. I'm so happy!

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