Sunday, May 5, 2013

Lets call it a cheat weekend!

Last night was an amazing success. So many people showed up and we all had an incredible time!
One of Scots friends even complimented me on my weight loss so that was a success too!
We now have an overabundancy of beer and Mexican food! So, needless to say I'm going to need to take an additional cheat day. The food is incredible. The mess is a nightmare.
We have just about everything cleaned up though. I just need to do the dishes. The drain is clogged, which seems to happen after every party we have here, so its going to have to wait.
Last night was the best though for real. My mom took the baby when she went home and I'm going to pick her up tomorrow. As difficult as the girl can be sometimes, I already miss her horribly. I'll end up waking up super early tomorrow and driving to sycamore!

I'm considering upping my caloric intake while I'm still nursing. I'm afraid she's missing out on some nutrients. Then again, she's 19 lbs 11 oz and 27.5 inches long at 6 months old so she's probably not haha!

We will see...

Also, a little tmi but my monthly friend came yesterday so now I know why I was gaining weight. So tomorrow I'll be back on track. Also I can start my workouts again because I have my living room back!

I would like to be 155 lbs by Kari's wedding on May 24th. That leaves me about 3 weeks. Hopefully the weight will start melting off again once I pick back up tomorrow.
I'm excited to kick start more weight loss!

I'll need all the energy I can get. Jadyn will be crawling soon and getting into everything. I'll never be able to sit down. I'm excited though. I can't believe two of her teeth have cut through now! She's getting so big! <3

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