Friday, March 29, 2013

When did fridays get so stressful?

Today is the day of the appraisal! If we get the house refinanced we can move out of this shit hole neighborhood much sooner and move into a house big enough to not have a music room/bedroom and a nice area for Jadyn to go to school and grow up in. I've been working all week to make the house look nice. My dad came to help Tuesday and my mom and step dad came to help yesterday. But there's still so much to do. My mom is going to try coming back today to help and Scot is going to try getting off work early.
I can't even get the laundry done because the laundry room is full of boxes and other crap. I can't even walk in there. The house is not looking as good as it can. I'm frustrated because I feel like there's not much I can even do about it. I need this appraisal to go well for the sake of my daughters future.
I think my mom will come help me. I really hope so.
I'm disappointed that I won't be able to make it to the concert tonight. I was going to get to see friends that I haven't seen in a very long time. I even had a goal to be at 175 by today so I could look half way decent in a dress. I'm actually still at 173.8 which is much better. Especially since we ordered pizza last night and I pretty much ate half a large by myself.
I've realized the best exercises for me at the moment are a short 5-10 min ab one and then a 15-20 min aerobic one.
Scot wants to go eat at maggianos soon but that's my reward for reaching 170 so he will need to wait. The restaurants get more expensive with the more weight I lose!
As for my extra skin, I was looking up home remedies online. They suggest using sugar scrub and body butter. I just so happen to have both from the spa I went to in Vegas. I used them last night, along with some hydrating oil, and I think its working. It might all just be in my head but I feel like my stretch marks are looking a little better.
I'm only using the treatment on my stomach right now since its really my only problem area but if it does work I think I'll use it on my arms as well.
Hopefully by Tuesday (my next progress pic) there will be a noticeable difference.

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