Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursdays always my fav day!

I stuck pretty well to my diet yesterday. I didn't have enough space in the living room to work out though. IKEA dropped off our new furniture and its sitting in boxes in the middle of the room. I put together the coffee table all by myself and I'm happy to say I didn't mess it up! The house is looking great! This morning I got on the scale after pumping and I'm 178.6. Yesterday I didn't pump first so I know that makes a difference. The irony is that sometimes I'm just too tired n lazy to do it! But I'm happy with my weight today. Water % is 48.8 and fats 31.2%. Those really fluctuate so much but lately my water % has been staying the same and my fats been dropping so I know I'm not losing water weight. That's what's most important because discouragers' favorite accusation to make is "there's no way you are losing weight that quickly, its just water." Read it n weep! :) I'm now down about 22 lbs since the beginning of the year and that's something to be proud of. I'm really excited for the warmer weather so I can be outside taking Jadyn on walks in her stroller. I think she is going to love it!


  1. yeah, it's not water weight, its hard work and diligence! :)

  2. Yep. Taking the bad days along w the good
