Monday, March 11, 2013

Skipped a day!!

I forgot to blog yesterday. We were putting some of the furniture together that we bought from IKEA. The house is looking great. There's still a lot of work to do but I'm loving it! Our bedroom is getting here Wednesday. My dad is gonna be back in Ottawa from Texas for a bit so I have to bring the baby down and stay a few days at some point. She's so much bigger every time he sees her. I'm thinking he hasn't since Christmas? Or January 1st maybe. Baby's grow so much faster than I had imagined. Either that or I have the twilight baby! I'm not use to her grabbing at things now. Shes always grabbing for my food. At IKEA she reached her fingers into my honey mustard and knocked it over. I was not expecting it! Anyway.. today's weight is 178.8. Still going down, but I didn't get to exercise yesterday because of how long we worked on the house. My water weight is still at a good % and fats at about 30% today. I'm feeling pretty encouraged that I'll reach my goal of 175 by the concert. Just hopefully my skin tightens a little so its even noticeable. Scot bought some light weights for our arm exercises on Comcast. I need to do more core for sure. I'm 3.8 lbs from my next reward. I can't remember what it is. I have the list saved on my phone. I am pretty sure it has something to do with my new Christmas clothes. A couple of the sweaters were a little small before but that was almost 22 lbs ago at this point! I was about 200 pounds in December. I think the biggest reason people put off losing weight is because it is such a process. They want to see immediate results without having to wait several months. But just think about how fast time goes! I started this blog a little over a month ago and I'm almost 15 lbs lighter. My goal was 4-5 lbs a month, but the extras been bonus. Working hard pays off.


  1. I agree! Day to day it can be discouraging but seeing the difference 6 weeks made is awesome! The blog helps me stay focused on the goal i think
