Thursday, March 28, 2013

Last Thursday of March 2013

Weight today 173.8.
I spent 6 hours yesterday building a dresser. Then I did a 5 min ab work out and a 15 min light cardio. I eat measured out special k cereal just about every morning with half a cup of milk. Its got little chocolate chunks in it which I love!
For lunch I had about a cup and a half of chili Mac leftovers.
For dinner we had frozen ginos east pizza with mild giardinira on top.
According to loseit I burned all but 200 cals that I consumed yesterday.
My parents are coming today to help us with some house work we need to get done before the appraisal tomorrow.
Then my house will be just about done. Its looking better every day and I like to think I am too. High of 45° today!

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