Monday, March 4, 2013

Keep going!!!

Weight- 181 lbs
Water- 50.7%
Fat- 29.2%
Feeling much better!!
I didn't work out yesterday due to the panic attack but I will today. I'm not restricting myself of any foods. I'm just paying close attention to portions which my loseit app really helps with! My daily allowance is about 1800 but I try sticking closer to 1500. Then I work out as much as possible and that's how I'm seeing results. My water weight is right where I want it and according to most charts I'm in the average fat %. I want my fat % to be in the fitness range though! I still don't know how bathing suit season is going to go. My stretch marks aren't disappearing as of yet. So looking forward to warmer weather.
Shorts, t-shirts, skirts, dresses! I am so excited! I'm almost 180 now and my reward for that is eating at ju rin. Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to do that! I have a self pampering day set up for a few days from now. A massage, facial, panera, and movies. It was actually gifts from Scot. I guess he realized what crap he's been putting me through. He's getting better though. Everything is a learning experience and we are learning together and growing together, I'd like to believe. I am so excited to get out of the 180s. And I'm so close!

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