Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Not terribly discouraged

Weight today 175.8. My dad took us all to dinner last night and I ate far too much Chinese food! Nothing too good could really come from that! I went up 1.6 lbs but I stayed up until almost midnight working out. I played DDR for probably half an hour and then did an intense 40 minute work out on Comcast. It was called "calorie burnout" so I was really trying my hardest not to have gained but I can just imagine how many calories I must had consumed. Still, 1.6 lbs isn't awful. I can have it off by tomorrow.
I should really make it a point not to have another cheat day until I'm down to 170. If I do that, I can probably reach it in a week or 2. This week and weekend are already so busy. Having a child makes holidays a huge spectical because both families want to see her. It'd be one thing if our families lived relatively close to one another, but they don't. We have to drive all over God's creation in a matter of 2 days. It makes me tired just thinking about it. I remember when holidays use to be relaxing. Eat a bunch of food then pass out on the couch. Not in the stars for me!
I'm going to have to watch my food intake though because I feel like I keep returning to 175. I need to bust out of the 170 range and I'm so close!
Also, my mom bought me a tummy tuck belt. It says not to use while breastfeeding so I'll need to wait until Jadyn is cleared to drink regular cows milk (probably around October). I just don't want her drinking formula and I feel very strongly about it.
My beach bod can wait another year. At least the weight will be off, I'll just need to tone. Until then I'm going to try to work in some ab exercises when I ever get the chance. Most likely the 5 minute ones on Comcast whenever Jadyn actually takes her naps.

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