Monday, March 25, 2013

Another week begins :)

My weight this morning is 175 which is surprising considering yesterday was my brothers birthday and there were 3 desserts and I tried them all. Every piece I split with Scot though. And then I played DDR for as long as I could. I worked up a really good sweat! My water weight has been at 49% and fat at 31% all week. Its nice that the numbers are stabilizing. This way if my water stays at 49 and my fat decreases it'll mean more to me. This week I really want to look up some healthy low cal dinner recipes and try making them. Usually I eat small meals and snacks through out the day and leave 1000 for dinner so I can eat whatever Scot wants. But if I can find a food to consume a lot of with half the cals I can eat a bigger lunch. Not that I feel starved in any way, though. I'm feeling pretty good actually. Maybe a bit more tired because Jadyn seems to be boycotting sleep. Oh, I did try on those jeans yesterday and they fit a lot better but I still don't feel comfortable in them :( I even showed Scot and he said "its not that you are too fat for them, its just the extra skin hangs over a little". I'm sure that's not a pretty mental image but he's right. I'm having a hard time getting my skin to tighten back from my pregnancy. I was huge! I looked like I was having twins. I don't know what to do. I'd look and feel much better if my skin would tighten. Maybe I can find some remedies or exercises on the internet. Otherwise I'll keep losing weight but have nothing to show for it!

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