Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pizza for breakfast

The scale today reads 174.2. So I went up slightly. I over ate and didn't work out yesterday. Need to work out tonight for sure because as the title says, I had pizza for breakfast.
Today we have to take Jadyn to an easter party with Scots mom (grandma Karen). And then go see his dad and sister and her family. Then tomorrow we are doing brunch at his moms and then going to my dads. Holidays for us are anything but relaxing! We need our own holiday after holidays!
But the weather today is fantastic so that's keeping my spirits up!
Besides I really want a pic of J with the easter bunny!

Added update*
Today is my first day wearing my normal pants. They're fitting comfortably now and look better on me than the maternity pants were.
These are size 14 right now and I have 12, 10, and maybe 8s at my moms for when I reach those sizes. I also have some size 5 shorts for this summer, or more realistically, next spring.

Friday, March 29, 2013

When did fridays get so stressful?

Today is the day of the appraisal! If we get the house refinanced we can move out of this shit hole neighborhood much sooner and move into a house big enough to not have a music room/bedroom and a nice area for Jadyn to go to school and grow up in. I've been working all week to make the house look nice. My dad came to help Tuesday and my mom and step dad came to help yesterday. But there's still so much to do. My mom is going to try coming back today to help and Scot is going to try getting off work early.
I can't even get the laundry done because the laundry room is full of boxes and other crap. I can't even walk in there. The house is not looking as good as it can. I'm frustrated because I feel like there's not much I can even do about it. I need this appraisal to go well for the sake of my daughters future.
I think my mom will come help me. I really hope so.
I'm disappointed that I won't be able to make it to the concert tonight. I was going to get to see friends that I haven't seen in a very long time. I even had a goal to be at 175 by today so I could look half way decent in a dress. I'm actually still at 173.8 which is much better. Especially since we ordered pizza last night and I pretty much ate half a large by myself.
I've realized the best exercises for me at the moment are a short 5-10 min ab one and then a 15-20 min aerobic one.
Scot wants to go eat at maggianos soon but that's my reward for reaching 170 so he will need to wait. The restaurants get more expensive with the more weight I lose!
As for my extra skin, I was looking up home remedies online. They suggest using sugar scrub and body butter. I just so happen to have both from the spa I went to in Vegas. I used them last night, along with some hydrating oil, and I think its working. It might all just be in my head but I feel like my stretch marks are looking a little better.
I'm only using the treatment on my stomach right now since its really my only problem area but if it does work I think I'll use it on my arms as well.
Hopefully by Tuesday (my next progress pic) there will be a noticeable difference.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Last Thursday of March 2013

Weight today 173.8.
I spent 6 hours yesterday building a dresser. Then I did a 5 min ab work out and a 15 min light cardio. I eat measured out special k cereal just about every morning with half a cup of milk. Its got little chocolate chunks in it which I love!
For lunch I had about a cup and a half of chili Mac leftovers.
For dinner we had frozen ginos east pizza with mild giardinira on top.
According to loseit I burned all but 200 cals that I consumed yesterday.
My parents are coming today to help us with some house work we need to get done before the appraisal tomorrow.
Then my house will be just about done. Its looking better every day and I like to think I am too. High of 45° today!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Not terribly discouraged

Weight today 175.8. My dad took us all to dinner last night and I ate far too much Chinese food! Nothing too good could really come from that! I went up 1.6 lbs but I stayed up until almost midnight working out. I played DDR for probably half an hour and then did an intense 40 minute work out on Comcast. It was called "calorie burnout" so I was really trying my hardest not to have gained but I can just imagine how many calories I must had consumed. Still, 1.6 lbs isn't awful. I can have it off by tomorrow.
I should really make it a point not to have another cheat day until I'm down to 170. If I do that, I can probably reach it in a week or 2. This week and weekend are already so busy. Having a child makes holidays a huge spectical because both families want to see her. It'd be one thing if our families lived relatively close to one another, but they don't. We have to drive all over God's creation in a matter of 2 days. It makes me tired just thinking about it. I remember when holidays use to be relaxing. Eat a bunch of food then pass out on the couch. Not in the stars for me!
I'm going to have to watch my food intake though because I feel like I keep returning to 175. I need to bust out of the 170 range and I'm so close!
Also, my mom bought me a tummy tuck belt. It says not to use while breastfeeding so I'll need to wait until Jadyn is cleared to drink regular cows milk (probably around October). I just don't want her drinking formula and I feel very strongly about it.
My beach bod can wait another year. At least the weight will be off, I'll just need to tone. Until then I'm going to try to work in some ab exercises when I ever get the chance. Most likely the 5 minute ones on Comcast whenever Jadyn actually takes her naps.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Progress pic again already!!

Weight this morning 174.2 lbs. I didn't do any exercises yesterday but it was a work out shopping with Jadyn and putting the new bed set together on my own! King mattresses are heavy! It was such a task to get the bed skirt on, but it looks great. For dinner we had teriyaki salmon with scalloped potatoes (with shredded light bri cheese) and little croissant rolls. I didn't watch my portions as much as usual but I still went down .8 lbs. My water % is still 49 but my fat went down .5%. This is the first progress pic I can actually see a difference. Its the side view.
This is going to be another short blog because Jadyn is screaming!
Here are the pics:

Monday, March 25, 2013

Another week begins :)

My weight this morning is 175 which is surprising considering yesterday was my brothers birthday and there were 3 desserts and I tried them all. Every piece I split with Scot though. And then I played DDR for as long as I could. I worked up a really good sweat! My water weight has been at 49% and fat at 31% all week. Its nice that the numbers are stabilizing. This way if my water stays at 49 and my fat decreases it'll mean more to me. This week I really want to look up some healthy low cal dinner recipes and try making them. Usually I eat small meals and snacks through out the day and leave 1000 for dinner so I can eat whatever Scot wants. But if I can find a food to consume a lot of with half the cals I can eat a bigger lunch. Not that I feel starved in any way, though. I'm feeling pretty good actually. Maybe a bit more tired because Jadyn seems to be boycotting sleep. Oh, I did try on those jeans yesterday and they fit a lot better but I still don't feel comfortable in them :( I even showed Scot and he said "its not that you are too fat for them, its just the extra skin hangs over a little". I'm sure that's not a pretty mental image but he's right. I'm having a hard time getting my skin to tighten back from my pregnancy. I was huge! I looked like I was having twins. I don't know what to do. I'd look and feel much better if my skin would tighten. Maybe I can find some remedies or exercises on the internet. Otherwise I'll keep losing weight but have nothing to show for it!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The day after

I was correct! I ate my weight in food last night and didn't work out. I was going to avoid the scale but I'm glad I didn't. This morning I'm 175.8. So I only went up one pound. That should be back off tomorrow. Today's my brothers birthday so we are going to my moms for dinner. I'm not positive what we are having but Scot and I are bringing a banana cream pie from Baker square. It looks amazing but I ate pie last night so it'll be much easier for me to withhold from eating much. Also I'm gonna DDR my butt off and see some results tomorrow. Going to try on my old jeans and new sweaters today.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Date night!

Still 174.8 today. I'm wearing an old top that hasn't fit me well in a long time. It looks pretty good now! Scot is taking me to the movies and I'm pretty excited. Hopefully I'll have time to exercise tonight because something tells me I'm going to be over eating! I'm going to try not to but if we are skipping dinner and just eating at the movies, I can't imagine there are major health benefits there! Never the less, I should still bank around (hopefully below) 175 at the concert next weekend! Hoping its nice enough to wear a dress out! 
I built another nightstand today. I took the lazy route and used a drill gun at some points but it still took several hours! I really hope it burns as many cals as loseit claims! I'm going to be pretty tired and not want to work out tonight. Jadyn was up every 3 hours last night. I'll just push myself as much as possible. And hopefully if we do go to dinner it'll be somewhere with a healthy choice menu! We will see tomorrow!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Fridays here! And my bed is too.

Stayed up late putting our bed together and nothing has been more worth it! Most comfortable bed I've slept in ever! Scot says somehow I ended up sideways taking up the whole king size bed! Better me than him, I say. Anyways, my weight today is 174.8. Better than I expected. My water weight is higher today too. I guess furniture building really does burn those calories! Lucky for me I've got much more to do. The house is still a disaster. I'll probably lose 10 lbs just by cleaning it, maybe more. Its going to take a couple weeks. I'm feeling good that I'm able to trick my body enough to avoid major plateaus! Have to always keep it guessing! And me eating every couple hours keeps my metabolism good and fast. I'm 4.8 lbs away from my next goal, which is using my maggianos gift card. I can't wait for that. The food is incredible there! I'm even more eager to try on those jeans at my moms. I am tired of these maternity pants. They are very comfortable but I had my baby 5 months ago. I'm so excited to get out of the 170 range! It feels like its happening fast. Since starting loseit I've almost lost 18.2 lbs. Since Jan 1st I've lost 26.2. That's a fantastic feeling!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Not as bad as I expected!

I weighed myself this morning and am pretty proud to say I'm 177 lbs. I thought I'd be back over 180 for sure. I'm not going to update my weight on loseit until tomorrow because I am extremely determined to be at 176 tomorrow. I've been building furniture all morning and according to the loseit app that burns quite a bit of calories. I'm not even close to being done and I may even do some light cardio tonight. I feel that I will definitely be about 175 next week. Maybe less if I work for it! I'm feeling pretty great now! Cannot wait to try on my new clothes from Christmas and my old jeans. They are at my moms so I'm not positive when it'll happen yet! Its almost the end of March now and I've lost 23 lbs since Jan 1st. That's a little over 7 lbs a month on average. That's a nice rate to move at. I should be at my goal in about 7 months? I think I've realized that a few weeks ago but I'm still moving at this steady pace! That is very good news!!! Now for my progress pics..

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Going home tonight

Clearly I've been MIA this week, I know. I'm still at my dads house. I've been working hard to count my calories and work out a little here and there. My dad has a work out machine that's sort of like an elliptical and stair climber all in one. I think its called a hiker or something. I did it for 15 mins last night and my thighs burned the entire time! I definitely need it after eating dinner at a Mongolian grill. My dad wants to take me to dinner again tonight so I will just try to find something healthy where ever we go. I'd also like to try working out with Scot tonight but I doubt he will want to. Maybe we can at least put together our new bed. I'm excited/nervous to weigh myself in the morning. I feel like I'll be in the 180s range again and that'll majorly bum me out! Maybe not though, I need to stay positive. Its almost April so warmer weather is just around the corner. I have some skirts I'd like to get into. I fit in them a couple years ago but they were a tad uncomfortable! Hopefully by 165 they'll fit a little better. I'm thinking it'll be 3-4 weeks before I reach that weight. I at least want to be 175 by the end of March! I need my scale to see where I'm at now. Also will post my progress pic.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Not home so no weigh ins

I'm at my dads house right now and probably won't be back until Wednesday. I'm not really positive. I didn't bring much clothes with me. But I won't be able to weigh myself again until I come back. I also didn't bring any work out clothes so if I did exercise it'd be in my jeans. That'd be extremely uncomfortable so now I feel like I'm going to lose out on some exercise too. Hopefully I will be able to borrow some pants from someone because I'd hate to stunt my progress now! Also I need to try on my size 14 pants again. About 10 lbs ago they were still a bit tight. I feel like these maternity clothes have a way of making me look bigger than I am? They're not form flattering by any means so needless to say I need to get in those regular jeans!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy st pattys day!

Yesterday I went to Chicago and had a little too much fun! I was worried about getting on the scale this morning but I weighed in at 176.2 lbs! I was on my feet for about 14 hours so I'm sure that contributed a lot. We did a looooot of walking! Today we are eating dinner at Scots sisters and then I'm probably going to my dads. I'm so close to my next milestone! At 175 I'm going to start wearing my clothes from Christmas. I hope they fit a little better. I need to tone more. I saw pics of myself from yesterday and I feel like I look huge! Its hard to believe that not long ago I was about 25lbs more than this! I can't wait to lose another 25! I think I'm about 1/3 of my way to my goal weight. I started off wanting to lose 63 lbs on loseit and since I've started it says I've lost 16.something! 47 to go! It does feel good.

Friday, March 15, 2013

One day til cheat day!

I'm down to 177.6 today which is so awesome!! I would love to be at 175 tomorrow but I don't expect to lose 2.6 lbs in one day. I intend on working out like a crazy person today though! That's what I did before I went drinking last time and I didn't gain weight so I think I will stick to that again. Tomorrow I'm going bar crawling in Chicago for st patty's day! Not sure how much I'll really end up drinking but I really wouldn't put anything past myself! I'm going to my moms tonight and will probably DDR for a few hours. It really depends on if Scot has off work tomorrow and is coming w me. If he does then I can't leave here til 5. If he doesn't then I'll leave around noon. I feel like he will be mad at me if I DDR the whole time we are at my moms though so I'm going to get in as much as possible during Jadyn's naps today. Since I started this blog I've lost a little over 15 pounds! I really am not sure the last time I was in the mid 170 range but my guess would be in the beginning of 2010! 160s I would guess 2008 in college, maybe 2009..not positive. I knew my weight was increasing so I was avoiding scales! 150s 2007. 140s when I was probably 18 years old. 130s when I was 16. So its been a while since I've been in a healthy range, needless to say, but I feel like things are really moving in the right direction! I'm so excited and I'm so glad I wasn't affected by the negative days to the point where normally I'd just give up! So whoever is reading this, if you have similar goals as I do, don't give up!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursdays always my fav day!

I stuck pretty well to my diet yesterday. I didn't have enough space in the living room to work out though. IKEA dropped off our new furniture and its sitting in boxes in the middle of the room. I put together the coffee table all by myself and I'm happy to say I didn't mess it up! The house is looking great! This morning I got on the scale after pumping and I'm 178.6. Yesterday I didn't pump first so I know that makes a difference. The irony is that sometimes I'm just too tired n lazy to do it! But I'm happy with my weight today. Water % is 48.8 and fats 31.2%. Those really fluctuate so much but lately my water % has been staying the same and my fats been dropping so I know I'm not losing water weight. That's what's most important because discouragers' favorite accusation to make is "there's no way you are losing weight that quickly, its just water." Read it n weep! :) I'm now down about 22 lbs since the beginning of the year and that's something to be proud of. I'm really excited for the warmer weather so I can be outside taking Jadyn on walks in her stroller. I think she is going to love it!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ugh!! Disappointing..

Went to Applebee's last night and did really good but fell into the dessert temptation! I came home and did about 47 mins of work outs but I still have gone up. This morning I'm 180.2. I'm so disappointed! I wish I would've skipped dessert last night. I know there's probably 1000 cals at least in them. I was hoping to drop as much weight as possible by this Saturday. I'm going to the city for st. Patrick's day parade and dying the river green. Unfortunately even if I work my butt off I will probably only manage to get back to 178. It took 2 days to gain 2 lbs but it seems to take 2 weeks to lose it. I cannot go off this diet again until Saturday and then stick well to it until the concert. My results are slipping away from me!!!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Progress pic week 5!!

So this morning I went up to 179.6 but that's OK. I'm still under 180! It does seem like I'm losing about 10 lbs a month. That's not an awful rate at all. I'd be happy with that! Going to try to get more workouts in today. Going to Applebee's tonight and ordering the 540 cal shrimp and sirloin. Yum!!! I realized that if I shoot the pics in the bathroom that it's about the same as my first before pics. Check it out!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Skipped a day!!

I forgot to blog yesterday. We were putting some of the furniture together that we bought from IKEA. The house is looking great. There's still a lot of work to do but I'm loving it! Our bedroom is getting here Wednesday. My dad is gonna be back in Ottawa from Texas for a bit so I have to bring the baby down and stay a few days at some point. She's so much bigger every time he sees her. I'm thinking he hasn't since Christmas? Or January 1st maybe. Baby's grow so much faster than I had imagined. Either that or I have the twilight baby! I'm not use to her grabbing at things now. Shes always grabbing for my food. At IKEA she reached her fingers into my honey mustard and knocked it over. I was not expecting it! Anyway.. today's weight is 178.8. Still going down, but I didn't get to exercise yesterday because of how long we worked on the house. My water weight is still at a good % and fats at about 30% today. I'm feeling pretty encouraged that I'll reach my goal of 175 by the concert. Just hopefully my skin tightens a little so its even noticeable. Scot bought some light weights for our arm exercises on Comcast. I need to do more core for sure. I'm 3.8 lbs from my next reward. I can't remember what it is. I have the list saved on my phone. I am pretty sure it has something to do with my new Christmas clothes. A couple of the sweaters were a little small before but that was almost 22 lbs ago at this point! I was about 200 pounds in December. I think the biggest reason people put off losing weight is because it is such a process. They want to see immediate results without having to wait several months. But just think about how fast time goes! I started this blog a little over a month ago and I'm almost 15 lbs lighter. My goal was 4-5 lbs a month, but the extras been bonus. Working hard pays off.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Out of the 180s!!

As of this morning I'm 179.6. Might be back up there in the morning though since its 10pm and I just ate dinner now. Turkey dogs and macaroni n cheese. Macaroni is 400 cals per serving!! Ick. Good thing we shopped at IKEA today and walked around for 3 hours. I'm hoping to stay at 179.6 or lose a bit more by morning. I just don't want to go back to the 180s! I'm so tired right now. We might put some furniture together and go to bed. I doubt a work out is in our future tonight. I'm hoping to get to at least 175 by the concert in a couple weeks. I need to start buckling down again. I feel like I've strayed a bit but still making progress. Just not at the same pace. It'd probably be better to spread out the pound sheddage anyway. I think 4.6 lb loss in 2 weeks is reasonable though. We will see!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Another great surprise!

After my cheat day I'm down to 180.6. Not an enormous difference but still a lower number and so close to leaving the 180s range and never looking back! I have a sinus infection now so my face feels like its been punched in a few dozen places but my heart is feeling pretty good. I think I might try some DDR exercises while at my moms today. I've decided that the best time to take a cheat day is during a plateau for sure! Its a metabolism shocker. Its just harder said than done when non dieters are so tempting to go indulge with. Everyone is mostly supportive though. I'm looking forward to Tuesday for my next progress pic even though it shouldn't be much different from last weeks. Unless I manage to drop a few more pounds in 4 days! Would be nice. I do worry about losing too fast and having even more excess skin. Either way with these stretch marks I don't intend on a two piece this summer. I really shouldn't care what people think but you know. Maybe I won't! We will see what the future holds. Things are going well at home. I've signed up for a membership at massage envy so I'll be going once a month. The massage and facial were incredible yesterday! They really focus on the problem areas. I can't wait to go back next month.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Cheat day early

Do not want to see the scale tomorrow. I was 181 this morning. Didn't work out and ate entirely too much! But it was my pamper day. I got a massage and facial and it was great. Also went to the movies and saw identity thief. Hilarious movie! I guess I'll work out a lot tomorrow. I'm just nervous with how my hearts been acting :(. Always a road block. I just need to work through it. Lots of dark chocolate!!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

No progress!

I didn't work out yesterday and was pretty far under my calorie limit due to waiting on scot for dinner and us ending up not eating! I'm still 181.2 which is OK for now. I'll have patience as long as that number doesn't increase! I definitely need to work out again though its just so hard when I don't have help with the baby. And he gets home and starts working on a million other things and I still have no time. Last night my heart was acting up again so I'm thinking I should probably do some stress relief stretches until I'm sure its safe to get my heart rate up. My massage tomorrow might help. I'm sleeping less again because Jadyn gets cold at night and wakes up at about 2am wanting to eat and afterwards she fusses herself back to sleep. Then Scots cat starts making a racket until he finally kicks her out! I am so tired its making me feel sick. I think I'll be joining Jadyn with her naps today. Hopefully she will sleep well when we go to my moms. It doesn't get as cold there. I'm wondering if my heart problems could be due to the fact that I stopped taking my iron pills. I'll start them again and hopefully it'll help. Or maybe its just that I've been so stressed for so long. I don't know but I don't want it to interfere with my goals. I'm way ahead of my 1 lb a week plan anyway. I'll stick to my healthy eating and do light exercises and slowly work back to vigorous. Baby is rubbing her eyes! Don't want to miss my nap time window!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Week 4 progress pic

So my weight today is 181.2. Water and fat %s are fluctuating again and I might just stop posting them. I worked out a little while yesterday but also had Wendy's for dinner. 2 days of fast food! Yuck! Here are the pics: the before pics are in the blue shirt if you haven't been following.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Keep going!!!

Weight- 181 lbs
Water- 50.7%
Fat- 29.2%
Feeling much better!!
I didn't work out yesterday due to the panic attack but I will today. I'm not restricting myself of any foods. I'm just paying close attention to portions which my loseit app really helps with! My daily allowance is about 1800 but I try sticking closer to 1500. Then I work out as much as possible and that's how I'm seeing results. My water weight is right where I want it and according to most charts I'm in the average fat %. I want my fat % to be in the fitness range though! I still don't know how bathing suit season is going to go. My stretch marks aren't disappearing as of yet. So looking forward to warmer weather.
Shorts, t-shirts, skirts, dresses! I am so excited! I'm almost 180 now and my reward for that is eating at ju rin. Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to do that! I have a self pampering day set up for a few days from now. A massage, facial, panera, and movies. It was actually gifts from Scot. I guess he realized what crap he's been putting me through. He's getting better though. Everything is a learning experience and we are learning together and growing together, I'd like to believe. I am so excited to get out of the 180s. And I'm so close!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Panic attack!

Last night was really a blast! I didn't over eat but did do some drinking! As of today I'm 181. So close to out of the 180s range. I cannot wait! I had to eat McDonalds today though because I had a panic attack from not eating today. I couldn't feel or move my hands it freaked me out! Feeling better now. I just need to stay hydrated and relax. Happy that my weight loss was not negatively impacted by my cheat night!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Saturday cheat day?

So far I'm still watching my caloric intake. Also I plan on working out before heading back to park forest for the night. Weight today is 181.2. I love how small snacking all day and 3 full meals is making the weight fall off! I'm almost 12 lbs lighter than I was a month ago. I plan on attending a concert with my friend at the end of the month who also happens to be my weight loss buddy! We both seem to be losing pretty consistently and are going to look pretty great at the concert I presume :)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Almost forgot to blog today!!!

Well I'm at my moms for the night. We have been playing dance dance revolution since I got here. I'm getting pretty good at the difficult levels I must say!! Burned about 500 calories so far playing it. I have to eat about 1,000 more today. I'm exercising excessively to make up for tomorrow. Today's weigh in I'm 184. I can't remember the fat and water % but I'm feeling pretty great!! So close to getting out of the 180 range!! Its probably been about 3 years since I've been in the 170s. I didn't weigh myself much back then but that's when the drinking binges started. Very unhealthy, I know. If it weren't for Jadyn I really don't know where I'd be right now. She's a blessing for so so many reasons! She has really changed my life and given me something to live for, or someone, more accurately! Gods plan unravels in amazing ways! I am finally to where I want to find my regular clothes and wear them again. 184 may not seem like the most attractive weight but I was pooched out to 230 something when I was in my 9th month of being 50 lbs lighter feels great. And in 50 more I'll be at about my goal and a real attractive weight! I'm so motivated! I love these results and its so much easier than I had expected. Just have to really track calories, exercise, and dedicate!