Friday, June 14, 2013

Weigh in day :/

I gained from last week. All because of one day of drinking!
Weight- 156 lb
Water- 53%
Fat- 25.9%

At least the other two numbers have moved in positive directions.
I was going to work out yesterday but never found time. According to my loseit app, I only consumed 1000 cals yesterday. That's most likely the problem, that and I got no sleep again.
Jadyn's been up every 4 hours lately. Its better than her newborn sleep schedule but its still hard on me and Scot. I need to figure something out for her. I'm so tired right now :(

Tonight we are going to a corn roast in Indiana so I'm going to save some cals for that today.
Tomorrow is the wedding. Perhaps that can be calorie counted too. I can attempt it. I have no intentions of drinking after the effects of last week!
I know its only .5 lbs and what can I really expect, given I rarely exercise these days! And the sleep I lack!
So so tired :(
I'll try my best to work out today and check my weight again tomorrow. Seeing as how I wanted to be 155 by the wedding! I'm always so close but can never quite reach the goals!!
Naomi and I have a combined goal to lose 5 lbs by June 21st. I hope my bad luck doesn't throw us off!
I may very well just stay away from alcohol completely until then. I want to be 145 by July 20th. That gives me, I think 36 days to lose 11 lbs. Its not unthinkable and I never ever reach my goals, but I'd really like to hit this one!
Wish me luck and have fantastic weekends!

After a three hour nap to catch up on sleep:
I weigh: 155.2 lbs
Water: 53.1%
Fat: 25.8%

Sleep is super important for weight loss, obviously. I recommend weighing yourself on a day you get to sleep in! Being tired even FEELS heavy!
So I did end up losing.
.3 lbs down from last week

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