Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Starting to hate effect of cheat days

I have a feeling that on my weigh in day I'm going to come in right about 157.6! I've been peaking and I've plateaued there for sure.
OK, its probably a lot my fault because I've lost all motivation to work out. Maybe if I do it today and see results tomorrow it'll be the push I need to get back into it.
I'm so tired right now. I went to bed a little after 10 last night. Then, I woke up around 2am because I had a nightmare. Then again at 4am- Scot woke me up to tell me Jadyn's wide awake. And I've been up ever since!
I might nap with her in a little bit but the incoming storms are worrying me a bit.
We have absolutely no shelter if a tornado hits. The bathroom has a window in it. The only closet we have in the hall is packed with baseball cards. So, me and the baby wouldn't survive but at least Scot will have his stupid hoarder baseball cards! That's the important thing.
Clearly, I'm in a great mood at the moment.

I don't think I'll be at 155 by Saturday, anymore. What's up with the universe not wanting me to meet a single goal? I feel like I had more luck when Naomi and I had combined goals.

I really don't want to be stuck in the upper 150s forever! I need to work(my lazy butt)out.
I hope my tiredness doesn't become an excuse today!
There always seems to be one.

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