Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Progress pic Tues!

The pics are taken from a different angle today. I'm at my moms house. My weight in the middle pic is around 167 and weight in the new one is about 156.
I've decided that I am going to add another weigh in day. I want to have weekly high and weekly low weigh ins. My weekly high weigh in last week was 159 and this week was 157.2. My weekly low last week was 155.2. I'll post my weekly lows on Fridays and/or the morning of my cheat days.
It keeps me motivated. Also, it makes me keep a more positive attitude when my weight flucuates.
I played DDR for 30 mins last night. I was hoping to play for longer but it didn't happen. Hopefully I'll get more time today.

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