Thursday, June 13, 2013

Another measuring attempt!

It appears as though today I measure 38-33-38. The middle number is the same and the outer two have decreased. Usually it was the other way around. Im cool with that! As long as there's a difference. I still wish I knew I was doing it right, but I believe I've at least been doing it the same.
I worked out for 3 whole minutes yesterday! Perhaps today I will be able to increase that to 5!
Its pretty sad considering how much I was working out.
Maybe since things have been great between me and Scot, I haven't needed the stress relief as bad.
Therapy really helped us 110% and made us fall in love all over again.
I didn't think it'd be possible with everything that happened but I'm finally over the bad things and I'm happy here. There's no one id rather spend every day with than my daughter. We love when Scot gets home, too. Even when he's in a bad mood he's nice to me. I do my best to clean and cook and get things done here, too. Its just a little hard now that Jadyn is becoming mobile. She's not crawling but she rolls her way over to things she's not suppose to touch. So I'm running over right her every 2 minutes to bring her back to her play area. I don't know what I'll do once she starts crawling.
I guess I'll lose weight faster from chasing her around even more! I want her to reach the milestone, though. I wouldn't want her to be delayed just because I'm lazy. The whole point of  getting into better shape was for these moments!
Weigh in day tomorrow!

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