Friday, June 7, 2013

26.5 to go!

I didn't see much change with the seaweed wrap. I'll probably try at least once more.
I also forgot to take measurements yesterday! Woops!
My weigh in today is 155.5 lbs. Very close to my goal! Drinking will halt it but I believe I can stick around 155 for the wedding next weekend.
It feels so good! I probably weighed this much in the end of 2007- beginning 2009. I know I was between 140-145 staring college in fall 2007. I had gone on a diet to lose weight then, too. I think I was trying to manually count calories, but its not as easy that way. The app is so helpful really! I think I continued to drink a lot around then, too. I was 19 years old but didn't have any kids or responsibilities...other than my part time job at the coffee shop. Now its easier that, even if I wanted to, I can't drink whenever I'd like.
So there are a lot of helpful factors right now! And at this rate, I could reach my goal in a month and a half! It seems unbelievable!!! I've lost 44.5 lbs this year so far. Its fantastic! I'm so happy. I really haven't been working out, but I am still nursing so that's about 500 cals. My sister also found a website where you can calculate the cals you burn in a day without doing anything at all. Mine is 1500. Then add 500 for nursing. That's 2000 calories I would burn if I just sat on the couch all day! Working out would speed things up, too. And that proves, any weight gained is muscle or water (when not on a cheat day).
I've just about reached my Luigi's house goal! But I want to do maggianos first, which will be a couple weeks yet.
Then at 150, I'm going to try on my size 10s and 11s again. When I weighed this in highschool, my freshman year, I was in size 10s. Now my body has changed into a more curvy shape. (Childbirth!) So clothes will continue to fit me differently. We will see where I'm at in 5 lbs though. Have a great weekend!

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