Monday, September 2, 2013

What the heccckk

Still no nuisance and its getting on my last nerve! I actually am 140 lbs even today. I suppose I can still have it checked that I've reached it but so much for never looking back. Sigh!
Its got to be more water retention.
Perhaps I'll be stuck like this forever. Lethargic and bloated and a moody son of a gun.
Me and Scot got in another spat last night. I've been sooooo moody.  Crying happy and sad tears about everything. Getting mad about nothing. Its so aggravating. My hormones haven't been this nuts since I was pregnant. There's no way that I am again but the symptoms are the same and I just want it to get over with. Something tells me its holding out for vacation! We are heading to Tennessee in 4 days. Then it'll come and be an even bigger pain in the A!
And my weight loss is totally halted because of it. Even when I work out, no progress! So close yet so so far away. Sighhh...

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