Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Vaca day #5

I went on my morning walk already. Burned over 150 calories! Sticking very well to my calorie limit but really wishing I had my scale! I have no clue where my weights at and it's driving me crazy!
I've been sticking pretty close to the scale for the past 7 months.
I don't think I'm going to be able to wait to weigh myself next Friday!! I probably will check Sunday morning. That way I can see any progress or damage or if I've remained the same this week.
I really want to be 135 by my engagement party the 21st, so hopefully I will be around that.
I'm taking a cheat day tomorrow for my parents anniversary. Then I won't take another until the 21st. I'm not sure that I'll look how I want to in my red dress. Hopefully I do but I'm unsure!

we had spaghetti for dinner and I was afraid I might've ate more than I intended. So I went on another hike and even ran some of it, uphill, pushing a stroller. It was an incredible work out and I felt like a million bucks!

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