Tuesday, September 3, 2013


I feel 110% better! My energy has returned. The pain of bloating has reduced. My mood is happy! Its the event I've been waiting for!!!
Scot and I went on a date tonight since he's not coming on vacation with us. We went to a pizza place. I had soup and salad but also ate a piece of tomato pizza bread. And a bite of pizza. I definitely feel like I blew over my calorie limit. We did a 10 min Comcast exercise after we got home and put the little one to bed.
It felt pretty good actually. I haven't done one of those workouts in so long! He says we should agree to do a 10 min exercise everyday. That would be great but tomorrow is the last day we will see each other in a week and a half! I'll just have to do my best to incorporate exercise in my everyday while I'm gone. It does really get hard to stick to the diet 6 days a week. I do well most the time but not so much tonight.
There's always tomorrow to get back on track. I might have to weigh myself tomorrow to see what I have to work with now. I'm not sure that I'll get the chance to weigh in Friday. I will definitely try to reach the scale before we leave for vacation. (Definitely going to reach a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks!)
I still will do my best to stick to my diet for all but one day of vacation! Definitely won't be by a scale that Friday. So if I don't reach one this week it'll be a couple weeks before I get to weigh in!!
Hopefully I'll have a big drop to show for it!

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