Sunday, September 8, 2013

Vaca day #2

I had my cheat day yesterday and ate more than I'm proud to say!
I just have to keep reminding myself that cheat days are important and I shouldn't feel guilty.
Its so beautiful here at Norris lake!
I'm going to use it as motivation to stay active and reach my goal.
Besides, I have 13 days to reach 135 lbs.
I know I can do it and I'm so excited!!!
Without my scale this week I will have no idea how far I have to go.
As of my last weigh in I only had 1.8 lbs to go.
6.8 to go until my final goal!! I was laying in bed last night thinking of how far I've come. It just seems so unreal. It hasn't fully hit me that I'm actually in the 130 pound range!
When I put my size 5s on, they did come up but they were just a little tight.
I'm going to wait to wear them when they are comfortable. That will probably be in about a month.
My second cheat day will most likely be this Thursday. Its my parents anniversary so we are dressing up and going somewhere nice to celebrate. I figure its cheat day worthy! Besides, I can't weigh in Friday anyway.
It really is going to drive me nuts!! Time to go out and snap some pictures!! Happy Sunday!

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