Monday, September 30, 2013

An addition...

Well Scot decided that he wants to lose weight, too. I downloaded myfitnesspal app on my phone for him. I'd put him on loseit but can only do one person at a time. This way I can keep track of both!
He wants to lose 2 lbs a week and started out at 193.4 lbs. That's pretty close, perhaps even exactly, what I was when I started this blog!
So he has to eat 1430 calories a day to achieve that goal. He pre-dedicated himself to at least 20 min of vigorous exercise a day. We did a work out last night and it really was rough.
He ended up burning 19 more cals than he ate yesterday!
I use to weigh in every day and stopped when the plateaus began coming more frequently. I'm having him weigh in every day for a while just so I can see what we are doing right and what we need to work on. His first day weigh in is 191 lbs.
He went down 2.4 lbs on just the first day! Awesome!!!
I'm so glad he's doing this with me. Now that I'm so close to my goal, I'll be doing the 20 min a day exercise with him and it'll help me to stay on track and tone up.
Also, I want to start my bridal workout routine soon. Possibly tomorrow!

By the way, Scots goal is 165 lbs. So, it won't be as drastic as mine. But still will record. Perhaps I will have him join my progress pic Tues, measure in Thurs, and weigh in Fri!

I'm excited he's trying this with me and truly hope he sticks with it. Wish us luck!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Checking one off!

After yesterdays cheat day, my new high weight is 135 lbs! I can finally check it off of my list! Yay!! So exciting!!
The not so yay is how upset my stomach is. I need a good cleansing but still nursing for a couple more weeks.
I'll do a good cleansing ASAP. I can just imagine the toxins in my body right now. I'd probably lose 5 lbs just from that!
I am so close to reaching my goal. I know I'll do it by Halloween. I'll finally be able to wear a cute costume!!! (If I can afford one). Yay!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Cheat day!!

I'm sure the aftermath of today will not be pretty but its my cheat day. And that means casino buffet!!! And mnms for breakfast :)

Friday, September 27, 2013

Weighing in to kick off Friday!

I was pretty close in my guess. Today I weigh in at 133.2 lbs! My exercise did a lot for me yesterday. I made apple crisp in the slow cooker and felt guilty for eating slightly more than I'd intended!
133.2 is a good weigh in. I've gone down 1.2 lbs from last Friday.
My cheat day is not until tomorrow. We will be going to the casino for the buffet. We keep getting free vouchers in the mail, so at least I can replace restaurant rewards that I cannot afford with these meals!
I feel like every cheat day is rewarding myself for my weekly progress.
Since I've started the lose it app, I've lost 60 lbs. But since January 1st, I've lost 67.
When creating my goals, I never believed that I could lose 70 lbs! But once the weight started coming off, I was determined to complete my task. I still have 3.2 lbs to go and I will keep working until I lose it. Then, I will continue to work to not gain the weight back!
A friend of mine sent me a work out routine to use for brides before their wedding day. I will be starting that soon as I now have less than 1 year before my big day! So excited to begin! I will post about it.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

No change

My measurements haven't changed. I most likely have been losing in my legs again. I have noticed a big change in them!
I am not sure that I'll be under 133 tomorrow, but I think I'll be under last weeks weigh in. Not too bad after taking 2 cheat days this week.
I think we are going to buffet casino on Saturday and possibly Oktoberfest. I'm not sure about the second part. I'm not a big dark beer drinker. It'd still be neat to see.
Things are going well. I think my baby is close to walking. I give her a couple weeks, tops. That'll up my exercise!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Day late progress pic

I think I'm about 2 lbs less than I was for last weeks progress pic. I don't see much of a difference, but I'd like to keep it up. Scroll through past Tuesdays to see the difference.

Going to maggianos for lunch today. I'll either just have a salad or I'll eat half of my meal. I'm not taking a cheat day until Saturday. We have another casino buffet to use.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The days that blend together..

I forgot to take my weekly progress pic! I already have breakfast and lunch in me so it'd do no good now!
I guess I will just have to remember to do it in the morning.
After 2 cheat days, this is the second I'm back on my diet. And its the first that my stomach doesn't feel like its going to pop! The price to pay for eating truck loads of fried food is pretty awful. I'm not sure if it always had that affect on me and I was just use to it or if it is a change due to my lifestyle change.
I feel better on days I portion out my meals.
I haven't chosen my next cheat day just yet. It won't be before Friday though.
Tonight is my last cubs game of the year, we decided we will eat beforehand. So, I won't be tempted to cheat with all the ballpark food! I always over do it there.
If you're counting calories, one meal I recommend is Jack Daniels pulled chicken. Its a microwave meal sold in grocery stores (ours came from jewel). It is 160 cals per serving, and not a bad size serving!! Just get some low cal hamburger buns (ours were 90 a bun) and microwavable Culinary Circle mashed potatoes (160 cals for 1/2 a cup). Very delicious lunch, and totalled me under 500 cals! I like to save 1000 calories for dinner, so it was perfect. It was big enough to satisfy and yet left me my 1000 for later. (I had a pumpkin scone for breakfast, it was about 135 cals). I know they say you should eat your biggest meal in the morning, but I say if what you are doing is healthy and working for you, who cares what they say?? :)
Go cubs!!!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Party-time aftermath...

My new high (if I don't continue to rise these next few days) is 137.5 lbs.
I took a cheat weekend instead of a cheat day. There was so much food left over from our party that I honestly couldn't control myself yesterday!
I left the remaining left overs at my moms house so that I wouldn't be tempted to eat it today, too. The good news is that I'm definitely out of the 140s for good. The bad news is that I cannot yet mark 135 off of my list. Sigh..
it feels a little bit like I'm standing still. If I'm not under 133 by Friday I don't know how I'll feel.
I guess I'll have to work extra hard this week to knock off the pounds. Tomorrow we are going to the cubs game (1st in forever..) I know how much walking is involved in that process. Yet I know how much we have been known to eat there. Alcohol isn't really an issue because we don't drink at games. We probably don't have the money for much food anyway so I'm thinking it'll be OK.
I get to relax today and Wednesday and might be going to dinner with my dad Thurs. Not very sure, but maybe. Its his birthday that day but it seems kind of like he doesn't want to go that day.
I don't know..anyway...
The engagement party was amazing! I had so much fun with everyone and cannot wait for future get togethers.
My next short term goal will be for Jadyn's first birthday (10-19)..I would like to be 130 lbs by then.
Since our engagement party was so huge we might be keeping her birthday smaller. It'll be a costume party and I'm excited to dress up! I can't afford a 50 dollar costume from party city. I might just be recycling an oldie.
To reach that goal I have to lose 7.5 lbs in 26 days. I will accept that challenge!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Party time!!!

My last weigh in before the party is 133.8, so I managed to stay below 135! Yay!!! An actual victory!
I'm so excited for tonight! Its going to be a long day setting up, but it'll be worth it!
Its definitely going to be a major cheat day and I'm sure I will spike back over 135, so I can't cross it off my list just yet.
I'm so happy that I managed to come as far as I have in my relationship, in my weight loss, in being a mother..its all so rewarding! But I still have a little ways to go in my weight loss and I expect it'll take about another month to reach my goal.
I'm loving every step of the way, and enjoying my life with my loved ones.
Again, if anyone wants a tool to help them with their weight loss, I strongly recommend LostIt, its an app on androids and probably all other electronics. If you stick to it, you will see results. And one cheat day a week is necessary. It'll help your cravings for every other day of the week. Happy losing and have a fantastic weekend!!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Weigh in Friday!

Well I am still under 135, but today I am 134.4 lbs. That's 1.4 lb more than when I returned from vacation. I wish I hadn't weighed myself that day because then today would be more exciting.
All in all, I still managed to reach my short term goal. I might weigh in tomorrow as well since that's the big day! The cheat portion won't begin until about 5pm anyway. I'm so excited for it!
I finally get to celebrate my engagement! Its going to be so great :)

I think I might wear the red dress that I posted a few days ago. I'm going to try on a few other things tho. We went and got my ring cleaned yesterday so its super dazzling!! I'm just so excited! And its awesome that I've come so far that I feel comfortable wearing a tight form fitting dress, or a flowy one, or anything I want! Its been forever since I felt comfortable enough to do that! This might even be the first time in my life that I am. I'm so glad that I've dedicated myself to these goals and worked hard to reach them! It has paid off in so many ways!

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Today I'm 36-29.5-34.5
So in the past few weeks I have lost half an inch in the hips. It isn't as drastic of a change as I was hoping!
Hopefully weighing in tomorrow will make up for it. I don't know though because I'm really sore! As long as I'm 135 or under for Saturday, I'm happy.
I had a longer post typed out but blogger deleted the whole thing when I went to post it and I don't have time to rewrite the whole thing! Just not very excited about today's results and not excited to weigh in tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wonderfully Wednesday!

Last night I did two work outs with Scot. They were very difficult!! He wants to do a work out every night since he's starting his football league on Friday. Let's just say he's a bit more out of shape than the last time he played. A good 30 lbs of a difference! I think it'll be nice getting into a work out routine with him again. It'll help us both.
I'm still sticking to my diet. 1500 cals a day. I usually like to make it so my net cals are below 1000 though. That's when I see best results.
My engagement party is in 3 days now! I'm so excited. I'll finally be able to celebrate with my loved ones. Plus a lot of friends and family will get to see Jadyn who haven't seen her ever or in a very long time. The guest list is at about 50 people. It should be a very great time! It'll be the first time I drink alcohol in over a month. My tolerance has changed with the weight loss so hopefully things don't get too crazy!! It's going to be a great time.
I can't wait to measure in tomorrow. I think it'll be a nice change from last time.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Engagement party dress?

Progress pic!

Wow! I got my days all mixed up. I was certain today was Wednesday. Looks like I'm right on track, though. Here's my progress pic (first in 2 weeks). Thursday I will measure in. Friday I will weigh in and Saturday is my engagement party! Woohoo!
I still need to try on my red dress but if it doesn't work I'll figure it out.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday Sunday :)

Let me count the ways I love you.
#1- my opportunity to have a much better fantasy football week begins today.
#2- minus the rain, this temperature is my happy temperature! I love it so much!
#3- my first weigh in since I left for vacation. As stated, my goal for this September 21st was 135 lbs. Current weight is..(insert drumroll)..... 133 lbs!!

My goal now is just to stay below 135 for September 21st.
I cannot believe I only have 3 lbs left to go! Then what will I do with myself?
New goals will begin. Stamina building exercises. Once I found out I could handle running uphill, I decided I might take it up as a hobby once I reach my weight loss goal. It would pretty much be until it got too cold to stand the outdoors..but I'll need to figure out someway to ward off the holiday weight!
I'm so happy today, its like a dream!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Last full day of vaca!

Yesterday was a major cheat day and due to a storm there was very little exercise involved! I'm so hungry today I don't feel like sticking to my diet.
My engagement party is in only 8 days though and I really want to reach my 135 goal.
I'll just have to exercise as much as I can today to take my mind off of my excessive hunger. Some days this diet is much harder than others!
Not only that but I realized that soon I won't be nursing Jadyn anymore. That's going to make it harder to only drink once a month. Unless I don't have a babysitter. I wouldn't be irresponsible. But that might make my diet even harder. More challenging times lie ahead!
At least if I do actually drop 15 lbs when I stop, I'll have 15 lbs to gain back!
Really, it might be easier than I'm expecting. I'm just very hungry this morning.
Just have to be strong willed and can pull through this!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Vaca day #5

I went on my morning walk already. Burned over 150 calories! Sticking very well to my calorie limit but really wishing I had my scale! I have no clue where my weights at and it's driving me crazy!
I've been sticking pretty close to the scale for the past 7 months.
I don't think I'm going to be able to wait to weigh myself next Friday!! I probably will check Sunday morning. That way I can see any progress or damage or if I've remained the same this week.
I really want to be 135 by my engagement party the 21st, so hopefully I will be around that.
I'm taking a cheat day tomorrow for my parents anniversary. Then I won't take another until the 21st. I'm not sure that I'll look how I want to in my red dress. Hopefully I do but I'm unsure!

we had spaghetti for dinner and I was afraid I might've ate more than I intended. So I went on another hike and even ran some of it, uphill, pushing a stroller. It was an incredible work out and I felt like a million bucks!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Vaca day #4

I forgot to take my progress pic this morning. I slept in a little. We rented a pontoon boat this morning. We were out on it for 2 hours.
It did very little for my exercise but I'm still doing well with my diet
Might go on a walk later.
Short entry because my phone is messing up.

Just went on a 35 min walk uphill pushing a stroller. My legs are still burning. Plus I've been carrying Jadyn upstairs multiple times a day. Numerous stairs. It actually winds me! So I guess my exercise is better than I thought.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Vaca day #3

I stuck close to my diet yesterday. Also we swam in the lake down by the dock. It really is a work out! I didn't even realize because I haven't swam in so long. It felt really good. Plus the water was nice.
This morning we went on a walk down to the Marina. With all the up and down hills it was also a great work out!! So far I'm doing well to remain active and not go over my calorie goal!
I will post progress pics tomorrow.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Vaca day #2

I had my cheat day yesterday and ate more than I'm proud to say!
I just have to keep reminding myself that cheat days are important and I shouldn't feel guilty.
Its so beautiful here at Norris lake!
I'm going to use it as motivation to stay active and reach my goal.
Besides, I have 13 days to reach 135 lbs.
I know I can do it and I'm so excited!!!
Without my scale this week I will have no idea how far I have to go.
As of my last weigh in I only had 1.8 lbs to go.
6.8 to go until my final goal!! I was laying in bed last night thinking of how far I've come. It just seems so unreal. It hasn't fully hit me that I'm actually in the 130 pound range!
When I put my size 5s on, they did come up but they were just a little tight.
I'm going to wait to wear them when they are comfortable. That will probably be in about a month.
My second cheat day will most likely be this Thursday. Its my parents anniversary so we are dressing up and going somewhere nice to celebrate. I figure its cheat day worthy! Besides, I can't weigh in Friday anyway.
It really is going to drive me nuts!! Time to go out and snap some pictures!! Happy Sunday!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Vaca day #1

We drove 10 hours yesterday. McDonalds wrap for lunch, qdoba taco salad for dinner. Then stayed at my uncles farm in Lexington Kentucky. I slept pretty well. The baby slept through the night in an old antique cradle that has been in the family for generations! Pretty neat!

For breakfast we were made scrambled eggs and toast and blueberry bread. It was very good. Of course there was no way to accurately track the calories so today will be my cheat day. I saw a scale in the bathroom and was very tempted to check my weight this morning. I successfully fought the urge!

I really would like to be surprised when I get home about my progress!

We are back on the road headed for Norris lake Tennessee! Just a 3 hour drive today. The baby is already napping. I think I'll put in my book on tape and just relax!! Great start to vacation if you ask me!

Plus if stress was a factor to my halt in weight loss, it soon will not be! :)
Happy weekend!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Weighing in September!!!

Last weigh in for 2 weeks!!! 136.8 lbs. Its going to drive me nuts not being by a scale.
We are leaving for vacation in about an hour. I'm so excited. We will be in the car for a couple days tho. I brought 3 books on tape and many 100 cal snacks.
Making a definite stop at Starbucks for my PSL. I love Scot even more for getting me that gift card! :)
I haven't planned my cheat days out just yet but I will post about it and my exercises and my progress pic. That will keep me on track.
Busy day so must cut this short. Happy weekend!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Nothing to measure with

It will be two weeks until I can measure in next. Hopefully it'll be a nice change from last time. I can tell a difference in my legs. I'm ready to go down another pants size but I don't think I'm ready for my 5s yet. I might try them on today just to see how close I am. I would like to fit into them at least once before its too cold to wear shorts. I don't know if I have any jeans smaller than 10s. I'll look around tho. Might need to go shopping.
I think we have a few weeks of shorts weather left. I'd still like to be 135 lbs by my engagement party September 21st. I haven't reached my goals very well in the past but this one feels realistic.
I'm excited to see my weight tomorrow morning. Maybe I'll take my parents scale tonight so I have it for sure!
I'm also excited for Scot to get out of class so we can spend another day together. He gave me 51 dollars to take on my trip and a 15 dollar Starbucks card for my pumpkin cravings. He's really the best <3 :)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

No cals left

And I'm hungry. If it weren't so late I'd eat and then exercise.
Food log:
Breakfast: biscuits and gravy, cup of coffee with French vanilla cream
Lunch: little slow cooked pork, decaf nonfat pumpkin latte from Starbucks, 1/3 of low fat pumpkin cream cheese loaf
Dinner: 1 piece of tomato bread, two small pieces of pizza.

I reached my calorie limit but not much healthiness in the food I ate!

I am at my moms now, Scots coming over after his class tomorrow and then early Friday we part ways! I head for Tennessee and he heads for his next class. I'm glad he's taking classes but I'm going to miss him a lot :/

Don't have my tape measure to measure in tomorrow but will try weighing in Friday! Hopefully a good start to my vacation!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


I feel 110% better! My energy has returned. The pain of bloating has reduced. My mood is happy! Its the event I've been waiting for!!!
Scot and I went on a date tonight since he's not coming on vacation with us. We went to a pizza place. I had soup and salad but also ate a piece of tomato pizza bread. And a bite of pizza. I definitely feel like I blew over my calorie limit. We did a 10 min Comcast exercise after we got home and put the little one to bed.
It felt pretty good actually. I haven't done one of those workouts in so long! He says we should agree to do a 10 min exercise everyday. That would be great but tomorrow is the last day we will see each other in a week and a half! I'll just have to do my best to incorporate exercise in my everyday while I'm gone. It does really get hard to stick to the diet 6 days a week. I do well most the time but not so much tonight.
There's always tomorrow to get back on track. I might have to weigh myself tomorrow to see what I have to work with now. I'm not sure that I'll get the chance to weigh in Friday. I will definitely try to reach the scale before we leave for vacation. (Definitely going to reach a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks!)
I still will do my best to stick to my diet for all but one day of vacation! Definitely won't be by a scale that Friday. So if I don't reach one this week it'll be a couple weeks before I get to weigh in!!
Hopefully I'll have a big drop to show for it!

Progress pic 1 September

Today my bloating went down a little. I'm also retaining less water than yesterday so that is good.
I tried sleeping off my headache but its still here and throbbing at me as we speak! I have no energy at all. I just want to sleep all day. It might be caffeine withdrawal. I've never overly consumed caffeine but I have either a soda, tea, or coffee a day. I didn't have any yesterday though. So its my next guess! I don't know what's going on with my body. Its been constantly changing for the last year and 8 months.
This is just awful. I hope I feel better by vacation. We are leaving in 3 days!! I'm so tired of this :(

Monday, September 2, 2013

What the heccckk

Still no nuisance and its getting on my last nerve! I actually am 140 lbs even today. I suppose I can still have it checked that I've reached it but so much for never looking back. Sigh!
Its got to be more water retention.
Perhaps I'll be stuck like this forever. Lethargic and bloated and a moody son of a gun.
Me and Scot got in another spat last night. I've been sooooo moody.  Crying happy and sad tears about everything. Getting mad about nothing. Its so aggravating. My hormones haven't been this nuts since I was pregnant. There's no way that I am again but the symptoms are the same and I just want it to get over with. Something tells me its holding out for vacation! We are heading to Tennessee in 4 days. Then it'll come and be an even bigger pain in the A!
And my weight loss is totally halted because of it. Even when I work out, no progress! So close yet so so far away. Sighhh...

Sunday, September 1, 2013

New high weight!

My new high weight is 139.2. That means I waved bye bye to the 140s and I'm never looking back!
Still waiting for the monthly nuisance! I'm sure it'll wait until vacation to show up.
Usually I'm not so crazy about the month of September but this years different. #1- pumpkin spice latte returned to Starbucks today and I will be getting one this week! #2- I'm leaving for vacation September 6th. Much much needed vacation. Will be returning the 13th or 14th. #3- my engagement party is the 21st.
I need to start planning my daughters first birthday. I can't believe she will be 1 year old in 7 weeks. I'm just holding her tight and cherishing her smallness while I can! They said it goes fast but I didn't even blink!!
Big sigh!

Many things to look forward to. Plus I expect to reach my weight loss goal of 130 lbs by November. I can't believe how close I've come!!! I'm sooooo excited! And so excited for all the wonderful things in my near future!