Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bloating :(

Female cycles suck! Hopefully my bloating will go down by my measurements tomorrow. Otherwise I guess next weeks will just look very drastic.
Then my weigh in is Friday and I'm hoping for the best! I think once my bloating goes down I will try on that red dress again. I'm really wanting to wear it for my engagement party! That is probably going to be September 21st so I might even be able to drop another 10 lbs by then. Wow that is a really exciting feeling! I just felt really giddy when I thought of that! Haha.
Scots last day of work has arrived! 
I hope we can enjoy our time together without his stress getting in the way. I think he will be making a little unemployment plus money taking some classes and possibly some side work with his brother. Crossing my fingers that will take away his stress and help us continue in our positive direction.
Also he's going to be the defensive coach for a youth football team so I think that will make him feel good, too.
Things are going to be good. I have faith.

Today is Jadyn's 9 month doctor appointment. I can't believe how fast time has gone. My baby is growing too fast!!! She is so incredible. She's smart and beautiful and has the best sense of humor. I never forget how blessed I am to have her. She turned my life around and has made all of this possible. I'm so happy!

I just need to exercise a tad bit more. I've been going on walks but its nothing compared to what I was doing! Maybe with Scot having work off he will want to too.

I'm staying positive! Loving the weather! Planning my engagement party! Vacation is in the beginning of September! Many things to look forward to..

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