Monday, July 1, 2013

Weekly high, 1st of July

I was scared because I took 2 cheat days in a row, again!

Saturday I was good until dinner. Then I ate sooooooo much of monicals BBQ chicken pizza! Afterwards, went to Scots band practice and had a tall half n half twisted tea and 6-7 light beers through out the night. Its wayyyyy less than I use to drink but I got pretty drunk from that.
Then yesterday had casino buffet, which was far too delicious, and rare, to measure! And I had a bloody Mary to ward off my hangover. Then last night ate a bunch of guacamole and chips.
At least avacado is extremely healthy.

I was terrified to step on the scale and see all the work I undid, but it went well!
I'm 152.6 today. 53.9% water (getting closer to my 56% goal) and 24.9% fat.

I think I only went up .2 lbs from last weeks low! And I'm guessing my cycle has a bit to do with it?

Well, I'm just glad that it will be easy to get back on track. I have 19 days left to lose 7.6 lbs.
If I make it to 145, and still don't look great in the dress.. I'll just be happy to have reached one of my goals for once!

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