Sunday, July 7, 2013

Weekend almost over :(

I weighed myself on my scale today. I am still losing, so the holiday didn't absolutely murder me!
The fat and water % are super questionable! First it said I'm 22% fat the went up to 24% in just a matter of seconds.
I'll be going to my dads tomorrow. I think his scale is pretty accurate with fat %. It also takes water and muscle.
I am 151.6 today. I don't want to weigh in every day, but I only have 13 days til the big day now.
I think it will keep me on track!
I need to lose 6.6 lbs in 13 days. That's about half a pound a day!

I think I need a couple days of hard workouts and very minimal cheat days! No drinking, for sure. I think I can hold off for 2 weeks after drinking like 4 days this week. I may not have gotten drunk all those days, but alcohol does not help to drop pounds.

I'm 1.6 lbs from checking off my next goal. I didn't do it last time because I knew it was just dehydration!
When I get to 150 without alcohol, I'll check it off. Then I will say I left the 150s and am never looking back!
I look forward to saying that. Its incredible how far I've come.

Some days are so hard, though. Like yesterday I really wanted some cheesecake. Instead, I got a Greek chicken salad.
And sometimes after reaching my calorie limit I'm still super hungry. But the rewards are worth it!!!

As of now I have lost 48.4 lbs this year.
I have gone down about 6 pant sizes!
from 16s to 10s.
I still want to get in my 4/5s though.
Still, I'm enjoying every step of the journey!

And I can't wait to try on the red dress!

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