Saturday, July 27, 2013

Weekends here!!

Today Scots family is coming over for lunch. Then we are all going to his baseball game at the (I think) triple A field in Indiana. Hopefully he does really well today! I know the team his is playing against made really rude and childish comments about Scots team
I keep hoping he will join a different league. Seriously, these guys are worse than teenage girls. That's all I can even compare them to. I get tired of all the drama.
The diet is still going great!! Exercise could be better though. I think I can reach my goal in two months if I begin my work out routines again. Scot asked me to work out with him last night but I was so exhausted. Its not easy sharing a bed with a 9 month old for a week. I love her but its like sleeping with a trex. If you make any movement they're up and after you.
Scot also wanted me to drink with him last night, but I respectfully declined. Its getting easier not to drink, actually. I'm so so so close to my goal!!
I'm sure at some point I'll cave and want to drink again but I'm just really loving this progress!! I never thought I'd be in the 140s again so this is really a dream come true for me. Sometimes when I get on the scale and see the progress I've made I want to happy cry. Maybe someday I will, like when I reach my goal and take my final progress pic. So close!

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