Thursday, July 18, 2013

Measurements mid-july!

so my bottom number went down 1. It seems like I'm mostly losing in the upper back region and the hip region. First I was losing around the middle so it looks like the rest of me is catching up!
I can't wait to weigh in tomorrow! I really feel like my body is starting to cooperate with its new lifestyle again.
Maybe by the time Scot gets my ring I'll be 145 or UNDER and be able to wear that red dress!
I think the halt in my weight loss was mostly caused from drinking several days those 2 weeks.
I don't really have plans to drink until possibly the 25th (my sisters birthday) but that isn't 100%.
She wants me and my mom to go out with her that night, which would be great! But I'd have no one to watch my daughter.
Usually if I have plans like that I would give her to my sister or my mom! So you can see the predicament.
Scot hasn't been laid off yet, either. So he couldn't watch her even for a little bit.
I'm not really in the mood for drinking, anyway. Would rather so how much weight I can lose by the time I get my ring. I've already been sized for it. So, hopefully my fingers wouldn't shrink much more. They'd resize for free but its such a hassle. And when I finally get my ring I don't want to have to give it back to the store for any amount of time!

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