Thursday, February 28, 2013

Paying off!!!

Weight- 186
Fat- 33.5%
Water- 47.5%
I did another Comcast workout last night that kicked my butt. My lower body is so sore that I might need a break today. Jadyn has her 4 month doctor visit today n then we r going straight to my moms. Her scale is different than mine so I won't be weighing in again until Saturday but that'll be good anyway. I'm really not gonna want to take this cheat day but I need to have a life. Maybe I can work out before going to the benefit. I just hate that last time it halted my weight loss for three whole days. I'm just now back to where I was at the start of last Saturday. We will see how it goes. I'm feeling good about my weight loss so far. This month I've lost 7 lbs! If I continue at this rate I'll reach my goal by October! That'd be amazing considering I had my baby last October and from the peak of my pregnancy I'll have dropped 100 lbs in a year!!

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