Friday, February 22, 2013

More progress!

Today's scale read is 187.4 lbs. 34.3% body fat and 47% water! Much better than yesterday! I've been working so so hard! When I first got the scale I weighed 10 lbs more than scot and that really sucked. As of last night we weighed the exact same amount. He does exercises with me but I don't think he's on much of a diet plan and he's definitely not nursing so it won't be long until I finally weigh less than him! I am really looking forward to next weeks progress pics because I really feel like there will be a change. As soon as I drop below 187.2 I will update my weight on here. On my moms scale I would probably be about 183 right now. Unless I went into the doctor or got a gym membership I wouldn't really know which is more accurate but until I find out I'm just glad to be below the 190 mark and I'm NEVER going back!!! 57 lbs to go!