Monday, February 25, 2013

Ups n downs!

Weight- 188.8. Water- 47.3%. Fat- 33.8%. No good! :( I thought I dropped more this week than I actually did and I've been working my butt off! I way over did my cheat day! But maybe it'll come off faster soon. I can't get myself too discouraged because then I'll give up and that won't help anything at all. People have been commenting on me looking better so I'm probably at least toning. It really is a process that requires loads of patience when its being done the healthy way. What I'm having a hard time understanding though is if I'm over 5k under my weekly budget on loseit.. how did I only drop .2 lbs in a week? Maybe because I'm replacing the fat with water? I suppose that's a good thing.. it still fluctuates ridiculously though. Yesterdays fat and water %s were much better than today's but the weight was the same! And I worked out pretty much all day and burned off nearly everything I ate so I could see how the sweating would cause a drop in water but I couldn't have gained fat. This scale might just make things more confusing than necessary. At least if it measured muscle I'm sure that number would be progressive. Going grocery shopping tonight and going to load up on healthy stuff! Supposed to be a huge snow storm tomorrow but we will see. Its easier for me to day work out when I have someone to watch Jadyn but I feel like I get more results from working out when I'm done eating for the day. That usually entails staying up when everyone goes to bed and getting less sleep when Jadyn wakes up at 2-3am. But if he doesn't go in tomorrow I can work out for as long as I want tonight!! Crossing my fingers that I'll drop my 2lbs very soon :). After all, my first reward is at 185. Where I try to fit back in my regular pants. My guilty pleasure is I'm still in my maternity pants. They're so comfy and seem to tuck the belly in more but its almost time to give them up lol

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