Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Need my water weight scale!

I'm up 190.4 today. .2 lbs more than yesterday. I'm sure that its water weight fluctuation but wish I had my scale to know the exact percentage. I'd like to get up to at least 50% water. Im sleeping less due to stress and sharing a bed with my 4 month old now. I heard that could stunt weight loss. I really need to get on the treadmill I just feel so lethargic. My baby's father wants to work things out now but I'm just so tired of the emotional abuse. I didn't like who it was making me turn into. I need to be my best self for my little lady bug. Which means living healthier physically as well. Ive gone down 7lbs in a month. It hasn't seemed to effect the milk supply so that's encouraging. I still thinks its best to stick to 1lb a week goal, anything extra is bonus! I'd like to believe that once I get below the 190 mark, just as I've made it below 200, that I'm out of that range for good! If I stayed at the range that I'm at now I could be at 130 in 8.5 months. Although I'd just be happy to get to 150 by summer. Its been about 5 or 6 years since I've even been down that low. I gained the freshman 15 a number of times. Its about time I get rid of it. :)


  1. You don't deserve the emotional abuse and ladybug shouldn't be raised around it. Put you and her first, and include him if you want but put your health and her happiness always ahead of his drama. :) Plus, working out is hard at first but once the endorphins start flowing it's addicting! :) You'll be happier once you start. Just try to do a lil every day for a week and you'll be hooked.

  2. Thanks :) I'm really stressed over it but I bet the exercise would help with stress I just need to make it happen
