Saturday, August 31, 2013

Cheat day is here was here. I didn't go as over board as my usual cheat days and there was no alcohol involved..but I did go over my budget and I feel like crap.
I had a headache all day and I feel so bloated I'm pretty convinced that I am on the road to explosion!

On a more exciting note, august is about over and September is near!!! I'll be leaving for vacation Friday. Then the 21st is my engagement party. I'm so excited for it! I've started planning a lot..but can't execute much right now. I decided I will just have to use my birthday and Christmas money to buy my dress and Scots ring. I have his ring picked out and I want to make it a surprise. I know he will love it!

Must sleep now. Church in the morning. I feel so huge and disgusting. Not a very positive way to end this entry but its true. Yuck.

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