Thursday, August 29, 2013

Measuring in!

Once again, Scot helped me measure.
Its looking like a nice little change from last week. Hopefully tomorrow will be a great weigh in!

We went to starved rock today and dropped off our down payment and signed contract! We also booked a cabin for the night before our wedding and of course our wedding night! Its so beautiful and exciting. It motivated us to establish a budget and finish our wedding website!
I am so happy and so excited!

We walked around the park a little to pick a few locations for pictures. I pushed the baby around in her stroller which was pretty tough going uphill! I'm sure I burned more calories than I even realize.
We stopped on our way home and ate at Culvers. I had the fish sandwich and half of my french fries.
For dinner I had the chili we made last night. Its so very yummy!!
I think I'll have more for lunch tomorrow. For two cups its only about 360 calories. Not too bad!

So hopefully today's actions will have a positive effect on my weigh in. I know fast food isn't too positively promising, but I did exercise!

I'm also excited and nervous because my football fantasy draft is tomorrow. Its the first time I've paid to join a league and can earn money. I hope I win because God knows I could use the money! My eBay items are still suffering. I did get one bid so far and that is great! Its only 1 dollar, but that's 1 dollar I didn't have before! I'll only need 99 more for the dentist and then I'll focus on the wedding. I'll need money to buy Scots ring and my wedding dress. If only money dropped out of the sky for stay at home moms haha!

Anyway, I know this is a weight loss blog and I get seriously side tracked..but life happens. In order to effectively lose weight, its best to enjoy every step of the way. That's what I've tried doing these past 6 months and that is my intentions for the future. The downs happen but it can be used as motivation to work harder and get through it. The light at the end of the tunnel is so worth the journey!

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