Friday, August 30, 2013

Weigh in day is here!

And my weigh in is 138.4lbs.
The monthly nuisance still hasn't poked its ugly head but my senses are indicating it is unnervingly close!
Guess I'm not as on track as I thought I was. Oh well! Can't change genetics!

I'm not upset with my weigh in, though. I'm pretty happy that I'm out of the 140s. I'm unsure of when my cheat day will occur. It'll probably be some random day that I don't expect. Or tomorrow..
That might push me back up to 140 but I still feel like it is another feat that I can cross off my list. (I've been putting check marks next to every 5 lbs I lose and the reward I SHOULD be receiving.
140 was a hair cut and new clothes. I did cut my hair but can't afford new clothes. However, I fit awesomely into old highschool and college clothes! I'll take that reward over anything!!!
135 is suppose to be melting pot. Its not going to happen though. Scot still has no job! And I'm not selling enough eBay items for dentist, wedding, baby food, anything!..let alone a weight loss reward dinner.
I suppose I will change my reward. Not sure to what.. but maybe it'll be extra special if I do reach it by Sept 21st for my engagement party.

Late update, the dress is getting closer but I am still not loving the way it fits. I will try again at 135. If I'm still not loving it by my engagement party, maybe after 10 months of my wedding workout routine it'll look great. Then I can wear it at my bachelorette party or something!
I won't kick it to the curb just yet.

The size 8 shorts that I have are getting a little too baggy. I might try to fit in my 5/6s. I just feel like its too soon. I still have 8 and a half pounds to go.
I guess I can wear belts or retort back to skirts and dresses.

My vacation starts in a little over a week. Hopefully Scot will start a job about then. His friend said he should be receiving a phone call to start work that week. No word yet though. We really need income so I'm praying every single day about it!

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