Monday, August 12, 2013

Mellow Monday

New high weight = 142.6 lbs.
That's not too huge of a gain from a cheat day. Only a 2 lb fluctuation.
I'm probably going to jinx myself but I'm pretty positive I'll get below 140 by Friday! Yay! So excited to find out.
I'm craving a salad right now. I feel like my constant huge weight drops are stemming from my increase in salad meals! Soup and salad usually.
I've been up and moving around a bit more too so I'm sure that is helpful. The baby getting heavier is causing me to burn more cals when I carry her around, too. According to my fat % on my scale I'm at 22.5%. I learned at the gym a couple weeks ago that my scale is wayyy off. I'm probably more like 28.5% or something. My size 8 shorts are getting a little loose on me. In no time I'll be in my 5s! I go on vacation in like 3 weeks. I doubt I'll be in my 5s by then, but I don't have any sizes between 5 and 8. I guess I'll wear skirts, dresses, or go buy new clothes again. Might start selling my bigger pants. Could really use the money with having no household income.
I have been feeling more energized lately. Probably because of my excitement. So eager to reach my goal!!

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