Friday, October 11, 2013

Weighing in!

My phone broke, hence the no post yesterday. I'm writing this one from the computer for once. I'll get a new phone today!
I still didn't take measurements because it was just a rough day yesterday. One thing I can say is that I have no clothes that fit me. Even my shirts that were fitted before are baggy now. I don't have any money to buy new clothes, so that kind of stinks!
My weigh in today is 130.2 lbs. I'm only .2 lbs away from my goal! I fully believe that I can reach that by my next weigh in! Then what will I do? Maintain or lose a couple more?
Scot is doing OK on his diet. He's had a few slip ups, but he's a lb less than last weeks weigh in. It's not the 2 lbs a week that he was wanting, but if you don't stick to it you can't expect the best results!
He injured his pinky last week playing football, so he's going to need surgery and it has become somewhat of a problem. He acts like he lost a leg.
Cheat day hasn't been established yet. Tomorrow we are going to a pumpkin patch with his mom. Then Sunday we are going to the Burgoo (no idea about spelling) in Utica. Both will have lots of fun food choices, so it's a rough decision! It'd probably be easier to buy a couple treats tomorrow and save them to eat Sunday, but Scot doesn't have the will power that I do. He also would not save me anything! haha.
I wish he'd lose weight a little bit faster so that it would be motivation to stick with it. He's always sort of fluctuated between 187-190ish, so he probably doesn't see this as much accomplishment. I think that once he's in the low 180s it'll start to sink in a little more.
He does do work outs, but he thinks that he can eat whatever he wants (or just guess on food measurements and calories) and that working out a few minutes will make up for it.
It's harder without my cellphone to track with the loseit app and myfitnesspal.
I have to write down our caloric intake on a piece of paper. I'm not going to even attempt to guess what we burn exercising, though. I'll just have to wait until my phone comes to catch up with all that.
Hopefully it comes today like it's supposed to.
Yesterday was a rough day. Me and Scot fought a lot. Mostly because I wasn't feeling well and he decided that instead of staying home to help me with the baby so that I could rest, he wanted to go out to lunch with some of his family. It just really upset me and it escalated to the point where he broke my phone. So, that's just kind of stress that I'm dealing with at the moment. I really want our family to work. I don't want a broken home, like what I had to grow up with. It's just that sometimes I think that there's someone out there that might respect and appreciate me more. The good times are great, and the bad times are worse than awful. I just don't know what to do. I need some time to myself, but that just isn't going to happen. It would have been perfect if I could drop the baby off with my mom today and go to my friends. She has the apartment to herself tonight. It would be just what I need. Girls night, no stress, just time to breathe. But, we have family portraits in the morning, so that can't happen. I hope another opportunity opens soon that I can take advantage of.

Don't get me wrong. Through all of this stress, I am so ecstatic that I'm almost at my goal weight! .2 lbs is just a toothpick away! I'm so excited, and still in a little disbelief that I've actually done it! When I was 200 lbs, it was just a day dream that I might come this far. Now, here I am! I've made it reality! That's amazing to me. It is definitely worth it. Someday's were hard to pass up the extra food jam packed with all those calories. Someday's I was just so frustrated I wanted to say, "Screw this!"
But, I'm so glad that I didn't give up! I'm so glad that I stayed strong and made such amazing progress.
I just think I need to get out of this house. Sometimes it feels like this house is poison. I could be in the best mood ever, then after being stuck here for a couple days, with no outlet..I start losing energy and change into a bitter resentful person. I can't wait until we can move from here.

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