Friday, October 4, 2013

Weigh in Friday!

It seems Scot and I are both on a plateau. I am going to weigh in tomorrow as well. But, I'm still 133.2 lbs. That hasn't changed for a couple weeks. I'm not sure if I'll ever lose these last 3 lbs! :/
Scot is 189.4 lbs, which seemingly hasn't changed in 2 days. Still, his first week on the diet and he's lost double his intended weekly loss weight! That is still great! If he lost 4 lbs a week, he'd be at his goal in 6 weeks. I'm sure that seems like a long time to him, but I've been doing this for 8 months and even that has flown by! Sticking to it through the doubts and frustrations is the key to success!
Tomorrow is our cheat day, so I will see how that affects his progress. Hopefully it'll break his plateau and be beneficial like mine usually are. I say "usually" because I'm stuck at 133.2.
I'll take that with a billion smiles over 200 lbs though!
I'm just so close yet it keeps running from me! Sigh...

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