Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Good and bad

The good news is Scot had another good weigh in. 189.4 today!
After Friday I think I will just have him weigh in weekly.
But that's 4 lbs in 4 days! Awesome that he's really sticking to this and seeing those results!

Bad news (for me) is that due to have a silver filling removed, I may need to stop nursing a couple weeks earlier than I'd planned. Its only 2 weeks but the suddenness of this is a little emotional for me. Had I known, I would have waited another month to have the filling replaced.

I don't know how it will effect my weight loss but I guess its time I find out!
I'm waiting on a call back from the pediatrician for her advice, but online resources suggest not having silver fillings removed if u are pregnant, nursing, or plan on being pregnant within 18 months.

I will update on her answer if anyone else stumbles along my blog and has a similar concern!

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