Saturday, April 12, 2014

O man

I've officially gained 10 lbs since I reached my goal. I'm now 140 lbs.
I need to really buckle down over these next 162 days to fit into my wedding dress and look decent in a bathing suit for my honeymoon. Its so hard!
Luckily the weather has been amazing and supposed to be warm again today. If the rain holds off we can go for a walk.
I'm really moody right now so hopefully the weight gain is water retention.
Also really tired and sluggish these past few days.
Still I have 23 weeks and 1 day until our big day!
The days coming so fast.
I have been fine on my diet the past couple days so I really shouldn't have gained. Todays supposed to be my cheat day even.
Hopefully by next week I'll have knocked off half of these pounds!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Weekend is here!

I forgot to weigh us in! I've dropped two pounds since my last post. I'm 135.6 today. Scot is still in bed so I'm not sure where he's at. This year we are participating in lent. I've never been to a church that celebrated it before so this is our first time. The three of us got our ashes on Wednesday.
Yesterday we fasted, only eating two meals and not snacking. Honestly, that's how I dropped this second pound.
We haven't exercised since my last post. :(
Hopefully with the warming weather we will be out going for walks and playing with J at the park.
I will update as soon as Scot gets on the scale this morning.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


I really am motivated to crack down on our new routine, but I've folded into temptations also.
Went shopping for healthier food and bought two ceaser salad kits, cheddar chez mix, triple chocolate Bundt cake, bread that's pretty high in calories considering what's available. I did buy turkey deli meat. Cookies and cream candy bars. Come on, Kathy!
Plus we've been eating out everyday. I have been tracking my calories and definitely going over my budget.
So, no more eating out.
We did work out tonight for about 15 mins and I walked around the grocery store for an hour.
We have plans to do morning and evening work outs. I really need to stick to that because once I get started I'm in the zone!
I'll weigh us both in tomorrow and track our progress. We are getting married in 28 weeks! I just need to lose like half a pound a week. I'll aim for one a week but me content with half.
Wish me luck & good luck to all of those on similar journeys!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

March madness

My scale was not working, so I was a little lost on updating my progress. Just bought new batteries and the news is that I haven't made any progress!
I'm 137.4 lbs today. A 7.4 gain from October. I want to be 125 by this September so I need to figure out what to do to drop these pounds.
I suppose it doesn't do any good to blame the weather but all this snow and cold is making me lethargic!
I have been doing ab exercises daily but that's about it.
I am up to 1:45 min plank, 65 leg raises, 170 crunches. Eventually I'll add on but I'm content with working on these numbers until it gets too easy.
And I eat 2000 cals a day when I use to have 1500.
If I want to be in my size 5s by summer I just have to work harder than this!

Scot has been back to work since January but now he just got laid off again.
Maybe he will want to rejoin me on the diet and exercise regimen.

Hopefully it won't create problems for us again having him off work, we've been doing so good! And as of today there are exactly 3 months until I send out our wedding invitations. I'm so excited!

There are 6 months and 3 weeks until my wedding day. That's not much at all! I mean it's been almost 8 months already since he proposed. We are over the hump. I need to get back into exercising and being in the best shape I can by September 21. Plus, we are going on a cruise to the Caribbeans for our honeymoon. His sister way too generously gifted us as our wedding present!
We are working on getting our passports now. Its going to be rough spending over a week away from my daughter but hopefully I'll just be so engulfed in romance that I'll cope ok.
My stretch marks and extra skin are still with me, so a bikini will probably never be in the cards for me ever again!
But I've seen some cute one pieces.

I need to eat better, I need to exercise, I need a positive and happy attitude.
Hoping after this weekend's snow storm things will start looking up!

One good thing is that I've started cooking every day and now I can start looking at healthier recipes.
There's so much to look forward to in these next few months, starting first and foremost with the arrival of Spring!

We have been talking about having a welcome spring party. If we do that, maybe it'll give me a new short term goal. I seem to do way better with those.

So I realize this post has nothing to do with basketball, but I figured the title would get me pumped to really start working on me again! I'm ready!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Skipped a day

I did get all 10 mins of planking in the other day but literally did the last three mins right before bed.
Yesterday I was so busy printing envelopes for our wedding invitations. It took me about 7 hours to do them all. I've still got even more to do.
My mom's supposed to come help me with the baby today so I can run errands. Today's challenge is another three hours of being on your feet but this times going to be easier because it doesn't need to be three straight hours. Could be 20-30 min here, 15 here, or just get it all over with at once again. The calories will be burned!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Evening update

So far I've done 6 minutes. I have 4 left to go. I should've spread them through out the day more but instead I ended up with a lot to do this evening. My arms are really feeling it! I hope I conquer the challenge!
Will update in the morning what I ended up with total.

Next challenge

Today's challenge is ten minutes of planking. It can be ten one minute planks, twenty 30 second planks, five 2 minute planks, whatever you have the stamina for. I am just going to go for as long as I can each time until all ten mins are up. Ill record my progress and post.
Since now I don't have a scale I'll have to just go by whenever I fit into my pants to know how close I am to my goal.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Challenge conquered

According to my diet app in three hours I burned 351 cals, but that doesn't include the housework I got done, dancing with my daughter, or the little jog I did the last ten mins. Good motivation to get work done and the cal burn is worth the effort

Broken scale

It's hard for me to get back on track especially when my scale isn't working.
I was brain storming in bed last night on ways to motivate myself to get moving again!
One thing I came up with is a daily challenge.
They might be harder for some than others. For example, I thought to begin with my first challenge for myself and whoever would like to join me is 3 hours of constant movement on our feet. This means no sitting down. If a bathroom break is needed, stop the clock then get back to it.
This could be motivation for myself to get more chores done, or dance around with my daughter. Even if u want to watch tv turn it on and walk in place.
If u have a job where u are constantly on your feet this is going to be an easy one for you!

My goal is to get into my new jeans

Saturday, January 4, 2014

No excuses in January

With the holidays over, I'm intent on dropping the holiday weight I put on. Yesterday I was 140.2, today I'm 138.2 so at least I was able to knock off 2 lbs. All I did different was ate at home, had zero alcohol (for a while there I was having a glass of wine every day, it does not help u lose weight!), I drank like 7 bottles of water! Did a short stomach exercise, which was day one of the 24 day ab challenge that's been viral for weeks. Google if u haven't seen it. I don't want to post and be accused of taking credit for it. I have no clue who the creator is. I've actually completed the challenge once, but starting over to do it again with Scot. Once that's over I'll do the next challenge I've seen posted on facebook, days 24-48. Trust me, it's rough but does work!

Also, I started nursing the baby every couple hours. She's coming down with a cold and I'm hoping the milk will be a natural remedy opposed to going to the doctor. We have no health insurance. So, I'm doing my best for her. I'm actually not counting my calories but I am doing the 8 hour thing. For example, I started eating at 10am yesterday and ate whatever I wanted until 6pm. A mixture of all that resulted in a 2 lb loss in day one of returning to my diet.

My wedding is 8.5 months away. Going to a bridal expo tomorrow. Have been trying hard to get planning done but still falling behind. So much to do! So much to focus on in 2014! Happy new year!