Saturday, March 1, 2014

March madness

My scale was not working, so I was a little lost on updating my progress. Just bought new batteries and the news is that I haven't made any progress!
I'm 137.4 lbs today. A 7.4 gain from October. I want to be 125 by this September so I need to figure out what to do to drop these pounds.
I suppose it doesn't do any good to blame the weather but all this snow and cold is making me lethargic!
I have been doing ab exercises daily but that's about it.
I am up to 1:45 min plank, 65 leg raises, 170 crunches. Eventually I'll add on but I'm content with working on these numbers until it gets too easy.
And I eat 2000 cals a day when I use to have 1500.
If I want to be in my size 5s by summer I just have to work harder than this!

Scot has been back to work since January but now he just got laid off again.
Maybe he will want to rejoin me on the diet and exercise regimen.

Hopefully it won't create problems for us again having him off work, we've been doing so good! And as of today there are exactly 3 months until I send out our wedding invitations. I'm so excited!

There are 6 months and 3 weeks until my wedding day. That's not much at all! I mean it's been almost 8 months already since he proposed. We are over the hump. I need to get back into exercising and being in the best shape I can by September 21. Plus, we are going on a cruise to the Caribbeans for our honeymoon. His sister way too generously gifted us as our wedding present!
We are working on getting our passports now. Its going to be rough spending over a week away from my daughter but hopefully I'll just be so engulfed in romance that I'll cope ok.
My stretch marks and extra skin are still with me, so a bikini will probably never be in the cards for me ever again!
But I've seen some cute one pieces.

I need to eat better, I need to exercise, I need a positive and happy attitude.
Hoping after this weekend's snow storm things will start looking up!

One good thing is that I've started cooking every day and now I can start looking at healthier recipes.
There's so much to look forward to in these next few months, starting first and foremost with the arrival of Spring!

We have been talking about having a welcome spring party. If we do that, maybe it'll give me a new short term goal. I seem to do way better with those.

So I realize this post has nothing to do with basketball, but I figured the title would get me pumped to really start working on me again! I'm ready!

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