Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Broken scale

It's hard for me to get back on track especially when my scale isn't working.
I was brain storming in bed last night on ways to motivate myself to get moving again!
One thing I came up with is a daily challenge.
They might be harder for some than others. For example, I thought to begin with my first challenge for myself and whoever would like to join me is 3 hours of constant movement on our feet. This means no sitting down. If a bathroom break is needed, stop the clock then get back to it.
This could be motivation for myself to get more chores done, or dance around with my daughter. Even if u want to watch tv turn it on and walk in place.
If u have a job where u are constantly on your feet this is going to be an easy one for you!

My goal is to get into my new jeans

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