Friday, May 3, 2013

Last weigh in before the party

Today I am 167.2 lbs so at least I haven't gained anymore! I'm still heavier than I was a week ago but its just a minor set back. I should've taken a cheat day last weekend but I will tomorrow.
I'm so excited!
Today I have to go grocery shopping for the food and beverages for tomorrow.
My mom is coming back today and going to help me clean the house. My bedroom is a functioning bedroom again.
Then, one of the friends I've made out here is coming over to help me cook. I think my cousin might as well.
There's suppose to be probably between 30-35 people coming tomorrow! Some from st. Charles, Chicago, champaign, and from around here. A couple might even be coming from as far as Michigan to attend! I'm so excited to see everyone and have a blast. Being a young mom, these oppertunities are very rare. I might step on the scale in the morning just to see how close I actually came to reaching my goal for tomorrow. I'm 7.2 lbs off as of now. By the end of May I would like to be 157 lbs. I think that would be a consistent drop.
Recap from last night:
I decided to start weekly measurements since I've gained weight this week.
That's bust-abs-waist.
I'll measure again next Thursday.
My scale is going bizarre for water and fat %. I could step on the scale 5 times in a row and they'd fluctuate every time.
Mostly it reads that my fat % is 28.3 and water is 51.3.


  1. you're doing great!
    did you mean bust-waist-abs? cause your waist is smaller than your abs usually :)

  2. Abs is belly button region and waist is right above hips right?

  3. I think I might have done bust-waist-hips actually. I was tired n don't remember
