Monday, April 29, 2013

New plateau..

I had a hard time consuming 1500 calories yesterday because I was so busy, so I know its not because I over ate. I'll have to throw my body another curve somehow. This is about the time that my vigorous workouts would come in handy but my house is still a cluster of furniture right now!
Scot left me money because he wants me to run him some errands today. There's nothing vigorous about that but its still getting out and moving around! Tomorrow is Jadyn's 6 month doctor appointment. She will be getting more shots, which I hate. Part of me just wants to be able to skip out on one of these visits and have someone else take her because her reaction breaks my heart, but the bigger part of me knows I need to be there to comfort her. I just wish I could take the pain and let her have the benefits..
Wednesday my mom is coming to help us with the house because we really need it done by this weekend!!!
Thursday and Friday I'm not too sure what's going on. I'm hoping my family will come camping by me so either I can go there during the days or they can come over here. That's still being decided. Saturday is the party woohoo!!
At this rate I would need to lose a pound a day to reach the 160 goal lol. Oh well! I am going to have fun no matter what! Me and Scot even agreed that if absolutely no one shows up (which won't happen but hypothetically) he and I would be out there drinking and playing beer pong and bags and having a great time by the bon fire.
My family is coming though and his mom is too. Its just being hypothetical.. we are going to have a blast!
I might try to move the bed a little today to see if I can create a little room to DDR at least. I need to get sweating if I'm ever going to get out of this plateau and leave the 160s!

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